Chapter 26

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Valeriana's pov

Today I ordered a pizza for lunch. It was greasy and extra cheesy and had the right amount of toppings. Miss Wells walks back into the room with her food. I wiped my mouth on the napkin I had.

"So how was your date with Aurelio?" I asked. Miss Wells looked at me as she sat down.

"You didn't ask him yourself?" She asked.

"Well, I haven't seen him since he let Wiggles into my room. I had a Girls weekend with Verena and then yesterday we invited Sophie and Jaylin to join. I was busy. Then this morning I got up late with the girls because my alarm didn't go off and everyone was gone by the time we got ready for school," I say.

"Well, personally I think it went great. Aurelio did say he would like to see me again. So I think it was a success for both of us," Miss Wells says. Her cheeks were a light pink. "So girls weekend? How did that go?" Miss Wells asked. There were snorts from the hallways. My brothers.

"Don't let her tell you it was a girls weekend. It was totally a no date-date," Valentino says. Valerio walks in after him followed by Verena, Matteo, and Lucian.

"What's a no date-date?" Miss Wells asked him. Verena took a seat next to me.

"Apparently Valeriana doesn't go on dates. She prefers casual time. So everytime Verena and Valeriana hang out it's practically a date but not a date since you know she doesn't do dates," Valentino says. I roll my eyes.

"Oh, was it fun ladies?" Miss Wells asked. Since Verena and I both had our mouths full we settled for a nod.

"You literally took her to see your ex girlfriend, your first love, first girlfriend. The first person to be intimate with... well actually I don't know about that one. Anyways my point is no wonder you don't do dates. Your date ideas are horrible. Who wants to see someone's ex if you're going to be their new partner?" Valerico asked. I shook my head. My eyes went to Verena. She shook her head before swallowing her food.

"I did not tell them what we did yesterday. Jaylin just told him what we did after they couldn't get me to talk about where we disappeared to," Verena says.

"So what's the deal with that? Do you still love her?" Valentino asked.

"You're just asking questions because you know I'm honest and will tell you aren't you?" I asked. Valentino nods his head. "You're so nosey. You don't see me asking about your past partners. How would you feel if i- Ok I still love her but the way I love her is not the same. That's why I broke up with her. I fell out of love with her because honestly we were not good for each other. We were always doing shit to hurt the other," I explain. Everyone was listening to me as they ate.

"Brielle started it over something I managed to do by accident. I had this lab partner for science and what I thought we were discussing was when we would meet up for our project. She asked me on a date but since I didn't catch it I said yeah. Brielle was standing next to me pissed off that I did that in front of her. It wasn't until she stormed off that I realized I did not agree to meet up for the project but for a date. Brielle was pissed because I agreed to go on a date knowing I don't do dates. So after realizing that it was a date I caught up with my lab partner and told her that was not what we were doing. Then every chance Brielle could she would ask others out on dates just to piss me off. So I wasn't going to sit back and let her do that."

"I was being petty and would do the same shit. I would actually show up to the place we agreed upon. I just never went in. Which only pissed Brielle off more. So she bumped up her game all the way until I took it too far and slept with Monroe. It was at the point I realized I didn't love Brielle the way I used to. The moment I started to lose feelings for her was when she started to ask others out in front of me to see me hurt. It was something we could have avoided if she listened to me but she didn't and made sure I couldn't explain that I thought it was for the project. After being with Monroe I realized the only reason I was still with Brielle was so I could hurt her like she did me. I'm a bitch when pushed so when she took this small misunderstanding and used it against me to hurt me that was my switch. I'm nice until pushed... Well most of the time," I finish my story.

"But you two are fine now?" Matteo asked.

"I don't know where we stand since literally right after explaining why I was breaking up with her she was hit by a car trying to walk away from me and she just woke up last week. I had time to move on but for a year and a half she was unconscious," I say.

"Oh," Valentino says.

"Woah, you saw that? How did that make you feel? I mean if you just broke up with her and watch her being hit, like damn," Valerico says.

"I was scared shitless. She was unconscious a few seconds after she was hit and didn't wake up after that so she didn't go through much pain. At first I blamed myself but eventually I realized it wasn't my fault but the drivers. He had a red light when Brielle ran across the street. He came out of nowhere and ran the red light," I state.

"Dude! You broke up with her in public?" Valerico shouted at me while throwing a fry at me. I threw it back at him.

"I wasn't planning on doing it there. We were at a park when we saw Trey and Monroe. Brielle wanted to call them over since we were all friends. I decided then was when I had to do it because Monroe is a tease. She will say something to rub it in your face. I didn't want Brielle to find out from her so I did it there. Also it just came out the moment I saw Trey and Monroe walk into a store across the street. I couldn't even build up to it. I just flat out said I slept with Monroe then everything else came out. My mouth likes to just run when I'm anxious. I had already planned on breaking her up after I slept with Monroe. I just didn't know how," I say.

"Think really long and hard before messing with my sister, Verena. She will ruin you if you hurt her," Valentino says.

"Valerena forever!" Valentino shouts just as the bell rings. 

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