Chapter 21

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Valeriana's pov

The school day was going smoothly. I got my keys from the principal this morning. Though I had to sit through an hour-long lecture about how I shouldn't get into any more fights. I was also no longer able to approach Alice. The principal recommended staying at least 6 feet away from her. It's pissing me off. During passing time if I walk too close to Alice without realizing she's there the principal Mrs. Allen yells at me.

Everyone leaves class. It was lunchtime and I was planning on eating in Miss Wells' room so I couldn't get yelled at. I already talked with her about it and she said it was fine. After putting my things away into my locker I head to the lunchroom to get my food. The line wasn't too long since I got here before the crowd did. I ran in front of them so I didn't have to wait long.

"Santorelli!" Mrs. Allen's croaky voice shouts. My hand clenched causing me to stop and look around my surroundings. I wasn't anywhere near Alice but was headed in her direction.

"Oh, eat shit you old fucking wench!" I shout at her before continuing to walk.

"What's her deal?" Verena asked, appearing next to me. I glance at her then towards the principal. She was staring me down as I continued straight.

"Santorelli!" She shouts again. I spun around before walking away. Verena followed me.

"For real, what's her deal? She's been yelling your last name all day," Verena asked. I let out a sigh as we made our way towards Miss Wells' class.

"I gotta stay at least six feet away from Alice because Mrs. Allen said so. Now every time I go anywhere near her or Alice comes near me I get yelled at. I was standing at my locker earlier and Alice was walking in my direction but I had to leave. She says 6 feet but I can't go within 15 feet of her or that old hag is yelling my name," I grumbled before plopping down in my seat.

"I thought you were getting food?" Miss Wells asked. I cross my arms over my chest before sighing.

"Mrs. Allen would rather me starve because her precious Alice is in the cafeteria and doesn't want me to get too close," I say with hatred. I shook my head.

"I'll grab you something," Verena says before rushing out of the room.

"So you're the Santorelli that Mrs. Allen has been yelling at for most of the day?" Miss Wells asked.

"Yep, I hope she loses her damn voice by the end of the day so I can have a peaceful rest of the week," I say. Miss Wells shook her head. "So, do you want to talk about my brother Aurelio?" I asked. Miss Wells spun around in her chair to face me. A look of bewilderment and shock.

"Why would we do that?" she asked. I shrug my shoulders.

"Do you like him?" I asked. Miss Wells' eyes widened as she turned away from me. Her cheeks were pink. I smile to myself. "You do like him. Don't worry, I won't tell him... Ok that may be a lie. Aurelio likes you so don't fret" I mutter. I purse my lips. "Ah shit, don't tell him I mentioned it. Also sorry in advance I will most likely tell him you like him. I'm honest about a lot of things," I say. Miss Wells sighs before turning towards me. "Good news, he pl-" I stop myself from talking. Miss Wells raised an eyebrow at me. I shook my head. "You both like each other. You should make the first move," I say.

"I'm not doing that, Valeriana," Miss Wells says. I shrug my shoulders.

"Oh well. I'm sure this little infatuation he has with you will pass and we won't have to mention this again," I lie. Miss Wells shoves food in her mouth as she chooses to ignore me. "Can I walk Wiggles again today?" I asked. Miss Wells looks up at me. She nods her head. "Yes! I'm ungrounded now so I'll be there at five," I say. She nods her head.

"Miss Wells it is so good to see you again!" My brothers all shout rushing into the room. I roll my eyes as they surround her desk all talking over each other.

"Stai zitto! Uno allo tempo, idioti," I snap at them. My brothers become quiet before looking at me.

"Someones hangry," Valerico smirks.

"Piss off," I grumbled.

"Are you sure she isn't on her period?" Matteo whispers to the others. I narrow my eyes on him.

"If you must know, I don't have periods. Our mother decided to remove my reproductive organs when she thought she could profit off me by selling my body to her friends. She was sadly fucking mistaken," I snap before pulling my phone out before scrolling through it. What was taking Verena so long?

"Nobody actually got to do anything right?" Valentino asked. I look up at him. My brothers, Miss Wells and Lucian stared at me weirdly. Like they couldn't believe I just stated that like it was nothing.

"No, I know how to keep myself from being a creeps toy for the night," I mutter. Verena walks into the room. She slid my food over to me and placed a drink down before she sat next to me. Verena leaned back in her seat before biting into her own sandwich. She looked towards the others in the room.

"Why are they looking at you like that," Verena asked before taking another bite. I looked at the group and they were still staring at me.

"Oh, I told them I no longer had my reproductive system because my mother had the doctors remove it so she could whore me around but I wouldn't let her friends near me so she couldn't make money off me," I shrug before shoving food in my mouth. Verena stopped eating to look at me.

"Your honesty is wild," Verena states before going back to eating. I could tell she was trying not to react. But her leg started to bounce.

"A lot of people are honest and they don't even realize it. The body tells the truth," I say before I place my hand on her leg and keep it from bouncing. Verena looks at me. "You know when Valerico lies his foot moves slightly to the right. Valentino doesn't blink until right after he lies. Matteo god that one he crosses his arms over his chest making it so obvious. Lucian rubs his index finger over his thumb nail. Your bodies tell the truth whether you want it to or not. So stop bouncing your leg, it's distracting," I say. Verena nodded before she went back to eating.

"How do you know that? You spent a total of 15 hours with us since you got here. It might be less than that," Valerico says. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"First few weeks I got here I totally watched you guys like you were prey. I had no idea who all of you were and what you were capable of so I had to figure out from afar. Make sure you weren't a danger to me," I say while shrugging. "Also learn to lie better. I don't know how the guys haven't picked up on it. It's so obvious." 

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