Chapter 25 - Y/N

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Vision was kicked against the wall, making it rain dust and debris. He looked up as a light beam came out from his forehead, or more specifically the stone that was implanted by Ultron. He directed it at Ultron, causing the big robot to be forced backwards, through the hole in the wall and crash onto the floor with a deafening metallic thud. Both Thor and Dad turned around, summoning their weapons. Thor blasted lighting at Ultron as Dad directed his energy weapons at him, joining Vision in weakening Ultron. It was quite a sight, it was clear that Ultron was struggling. All of them pushed their energy reserves to the limit, trying to get Ultron to die. Ultron grunted and fell to his knees, all of them stopped. He got up, with what was obviously a lot of effort. I ran onto the roof of a building, jumping onto the robot's back, stabbing his internal wires, he gasped

"You know, with the benefit of hindsight-" I leapt off him as Hulk punched him far away, it never fails to impress me when he does that. A squad of Ultron's mini robots had started to assemble, Hulk turned to the, growling threateningly. They ran off, jumping off the edge.,

"They'll try to leave the city!" I exclaimed over comms "We can't let them get away."

"Not even one." Dad agreed. "Rhodey."
"I've got it." Rhodey answered then started talking "Oh, I didn't say you could leave." He took down a few, making comments about how War Machine was coming at them before Vision stepped in, disabling most of them.

"Ok. What?" Rhodey asked confusedly. I huffed a laugh, panting. Cap looked at me.

"We have to move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, I'll be right behind you."
"What about the core?" Clint asked

Wanda looked around before saying "I'll protect it. " She looked at me and Clint "It's my job." Clint nodded, I smiled, mouthing be careful. She nodded, smiling slightly as Nat and Clint left. I walked to the other side of the building, collecting my daggers as Pietro ran in, taking down a robot with him.

"Get the people on the boats." Wanda ordered her brother

"I'm not leaving you here." Pietro argued, his accent thicker with adrenaline.

"I can handle this." Wanda said, disarming and killing a robot as she said it. Pietro blinked and nodded sideways as if to say Ok, fair.

"Come back for me when everyone else is off." Wanda looked around, scanning for more robots. "Not before."

Pietro grunted in annoyance, I could tell that this was hard for him. "You understand?" Wanda asked. Pietro looked at me, winking before he said

"You know, I'm 12 minutes older than you."

Wanda chuckled slightly, "Go."

"Come on Blondie," I said, standing up, addressing the Russian, "We've got work to do."

We ran through the streets "You go left, I go right. We'll meet at the ship in 10 minutes." I looked at him. He nodded. I turned away, about to run


I turned back "Yes?"

Pietro looked at me, his eyes soft, "Be safe."
I smiled "You too." We both ran in different directions, showing people the way to the mini hanger. I noticed Clint looking out at Sokovia from the ship. He looked back inside and then ran off, darting through the ruins of the city. I didn't have time to wonder what he was doing.

"This way, come on, you're safe now." I said comfortingly to a woman with 3 children. I heard Dad over comms, talking to Thor about how he may have found a solution. 

A Blondie and Printsessa - Pietro Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now