Chapter 31 - Y/N - EPILOGUE

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Pietro had been back for a few weeks now. Everyone was happier with the expanded team. Nat, Wanda and I had become a trio and Pietro had fitted in well, making friends with all of the Avengers. Vision and Wanda had also become very close, Pietro and I had a bet going that they would get together. I was for, Pietro was against-I remember that he said something along the lines of "No way will my sister get with the toaster." I laughed at that.

We had been out for a few dates, some casual coffee dates, some fancy dinners. We also went shopping for furniture for Pietro's room, he never really got to decorate his own room so he was quite excited.

The first few days, I could hardly sleep. Not because I was worried about anything but the nightmares never failed to remind me what Pietro's dead body looked like, how lifeless his eyes were. I woke up shouting and crying, some nights. It was the first time that scarred me the most. Pietro's body had become living again but became a kind of zombie. He blamed me for his death, calling me hopeless and cruel. I woke up screaming that night, tears falling down my face. Pietro had rushed in, his torso bare and his face concerned. He came up to me, pulling my face into his chest as I tried to stem my tears, kissing my forehead.

"A nightmare?" He whispered, I nodded. He pulled me in tighter, pulling my whole body into his lap, rocking gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he whispered Russian in my ear soothingly and stayed with me until the morning.

He was gentlemanly like that, it had become an affectionate joke between the rest of the team, the way he had changed from total flirt and playboy to a trusted, loyal man. Wanda had told me that this was the most astounding change, she had been worried that he would constantly tease with every woman that he met and was relieved when he had fallen for me-I had blushed profusely when she said that-someone who hadn't lost her head over him. She also said that he had always been good to her and only went out with local girls for the thrill of it, to distract himself from the experiments. My heart broke a little for both of them at that. I was glad that they both had stability now, glad they had a home.

Pietro came and hugged me from behind, inserting himself into Wanda and I's conversation.

"Hey, what are we talking about?"

"You." Wanda replied nonchalantly "And your dating habits."

Pietro blinked, not really sure how to react

"Don't worry Blondie, she only told me the bad stuff." I laughed. Pietro grinned and rolled his eyes.

"Ok I've got to go, Nat said that I should learn to fight with no magic. Bye." Wanda said, checking the time.

"See ya." I replied.

Pietro waved and turned to me.

"What's wrong Blondie?" I asked when he said nothing.

"Nothing, just admiring my Printsessa."

I huffed a laugh and gently smacked him on the arm. His eyes widened.


"Weakling." I smiled.

"No that seriously hurt I think..." Pietro looked at me, grinning "I think I need stitches."

I rolled my eyes playfully "I'm going to teach you how to do that, I'm not saving you up every time you get injured Blondie!"

"Yes you are." He smirked as he sped off, probably to get some food.

"Yes I am." I sighed to myself before running after him. "Every single time."

The End

A Blondie and Printsessa - Pietro Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now