Chapter 14 - Y/N

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I sat with Nat awaiting orders from Cap in the Quinjet, listening to Clint's directions to the Cradle carrying truck. Apparently Steve got into the truck and made Ultron even angrier which completely helped the situation and didn't put us at a major disadvantage at all. Both of us heard Ultron's voice through Cap's comm line.

"You know what's in that Cradle?" He asked " The power to make real change and that terrifies you."

"I wouldn't call it a comfort," Steve panted as he hit Ultron with his shield. The clanging of metal on metal lasted for a few minutes, leaving Nat and I to wonder what was taking so long.

"Ready?" Clint asked us "We have a window in three, two-"

Nat and I rode down the ramp onto the road on black motorbikes. We both cranked up the speed and raced for Cap and Ultron. I noticed Steve's shield in the road so leaned down to pick it up as Nat chuckled "She's always picking up after you lot, as am I"

"They're heading to the underpass, I've got no shot." Clint told us

"Which way?" I asked

"Hard right... now" Clint instructed. Nat and I tore through the narrow stress, leaving a lot of people very confused but I didn't have time to worry about them.

We came to the truck after about 30 seconds of full speed through alleyways. I chucked Cap's shield up to him, saving him from the headlock the Ultron had him in. I jumped onto the side of the van, Nat didn't have time before Ultron blasted a hole in the road. I clung on as tight as I could, slowly making my way to the back, where the cradle was. Cap had just been thrown off when got there. I darted in and started shooting the robots, I took one down successfully but there were a few more and they didn't look overly friendly.

I got out the energy blasters and aimed them and one. That took out another one but I had no more ammo or energy in the blasters. I took out my daggers and started the fist fight which was a lot harder than normal because there guys could fly and also couldn't be wounded which thoroughly improved my chances I thought sarcastically. I was being beaten quite badly when two of them left to chase Clint in the jet. Oh well now the odds were slightly more even. I sliced through the robot's arm, chopping it off completely, leaving me slightly surprised that it actually did something. Unfortunately, that split second of triumph cost me. I was blasted to the side of the truck, limp and feeling a bit stupid for hesitating. I chucked a well aimed dagger at the robot's neck and it fell to the ground, sparks flying everywhere. That made me feel a bit less stupid. I slowly got up, gingerly testing out my leg which had gone slightly numb. I winced, probably a sprain or a break. Oh well, I would survive.

I limped over to the biggest box and pried it open with my dagger. Sure enough, a rectangular box with medical blue light was inside. I put the lid back down and said to Natasha through the comms. "I've taken down most of the robots inside but there'll be more, can you get in?"

"You bet your ass I can, where are you going?"

"To help Cap," I replied. Cap who had just jumped into a train full of civilians and led Ultron in there with him. Sometimes I really think he doesn't have a brain.

I scrambled to the top of the van and jumped onto the train, putting the least amount of pressure possible onto my ankle. I swung into the interior and potentially saved Cap from a nasty punch by distracting the big robot. I took out my daggers and started fighting with Steve. Duck, punch, strike, slice. My head was a blur of Nat's lessons as I watched the training pay off. Ultron then blasted me to the side of the train, punching me in the head multiple times making me wish my hood had a helmet underneath, I'd have to talk to Dad about that. 

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