Author's Note

518 7 4

Hello Lovelies!

Thank you for getting to the end of this book, it really means a lot to me that people actually took time to read my story. 

BOOK 2 IS UNDERWAY! It is CACW so I will pick which side ur on (I'm gonna go with what the majority of people think based off a few websites that I've found so soz if ur the other team) I won't give a release date bc deadlines stress me out (and I don't need any more in my life!) so I guess I'll just give it to u on a random day. Also, I like to pre-write my stories so it may be a while before chapter 1 comes out but after that it'll be fully released within a week. Hope u r ok with that :)

Take care of yourselves!

-Quaver <3

PS: Where my Swifties at?

EDIT: WTH 10K?! Since when? Thanks for getting to the end of the story, Love u guys <3

EDIT 2.0: PARDON?! 20K?! What kind of fuckery is this? Tysm u lovely lot. 🖤🖤

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