Chapter 15 - Pietro

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I sped through the train, racing to the compartment Ultron, the girl and the Captain in. And evidently just in time as the girl was being punched in the face repeatedly. I ran through the compartment, punching Ultron away from her. She stood for a moment and then wiped blood from her nose. I looked at her in concern, she looked up at me and mouthed Thanks. I grinned at her as Wanda walked in creating a cage for Ultron.

"Please, don't do this," He said.

"What choice do we have?" Wanda replied coldly.

Ultron growled and blasted a beam at the barriers and consequently, at me. I dived out of the way behind a seat and looked up quick enough to see Ultron flying out of the compartment

"We've lost him," The girl shouted, presumably to her team's communication line "He's headed your way." The Captain ran into the driver's section while she jumped over a seat to Wanda. "You ok?" She asked her gently.

"I'm fine," She nodded "What about him?"

The girl turned to me and came over, limping slightly. She knelt down and looked me over, her eyebrows tightened so I assumed it couldn't be good. "How are you feeling?" She asked as she fiddled with something in her belt.

"I'm ok," I said hoarsely.

"I beg to differ." She remarked wryly, she indicated my bloody arm and torso. "I can't do much here other than bind you up but when we get back, Dr Banner or someone can take all the shrapnel out of your arm." She turned to Wanda "Does he heal faster because of his metabolism?"

Ok so she was a clever one. Wanda nodded, she sighed through her nose. "Right."

"What's your name?" I asked,

Her lip twitched up slightly, "My name is Y/N, you're Pietro and you're Wanda, correct?" I nodded, wincing as she tipped a small vial of alcohol onto my arm which was currently wide open and had lots of shrapnel in it. I didn't feel too much pain, but then again I had lost blood and my arm was numb. She started bandaging it up, tightly as I asked

"How old are you?"

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to ask a woman's age?" She grinned, pretending to be offended. I grinned with her. "Evidently not," Y/N remarked. "I'm 17."

"So are we." I gestures towards Wanda with my bad arm, earning a hiss from Y/N.

"Don't do that, keep it still." She wrapped the final bandage around my arm. "Right, I know it's not the best but that should keep you going for a few hours."

"Thank you Printsessa." I said sincerely. She looked up at the name and rolled her eyes slightly as she turned away, the train screeching, causing me to stand up. Wanda smirked at me as if to say Finally someone who is immune to your flirting. I glared back at her. My mind whirred as I thought I like her.

A Blondie and Printsessa - Pietro Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now