Chapter 20 - Y/N

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I ran through the streets, seeing the result of Wanda's mind control-the people were walking out of the city briskly and going somewhere safe. I heard instructions from cap come through the comms.

"We have to find out what Ultron's been building, find Romanoff and clear the field. Each of you knows what you have to do. Keep the fight between us, Ultron thinks we're monsters, that we're what's wrong in the world. This isn't just about beating him, it's about whether he's right."

"So no pressure then." I muttered, forgetting comms were on.

"No pressure at all kiddo." Dad replied, making me jump. For some reason, Caps' very long, very not-so inspiring speech had made my nerves more prominent, not less. A strange coincidence.

I ran from street to street, searching every hall and large building thoroughly. There were at least 20 so it took a while. At last I came to the final one, my heartbeat was racing. What if Nat wasn't there? What if she had been killed? What if she was now some robot thing? A stream of not-so-helpful questions flooded into my mind, drowning out all my reason as I desperately searched for that familiar shock of red hair that I adored.

"Nat? Natasha?" I called, fighting the fear that was wavering my voice. "Natasha?"

"Y/N?" I heard a faint call. My ears pricked, following the sound of Nat's voice. When she finally came into view I rushed towards her.

"Nat," I breathed a sigh of relief, looking her up and down and checking for injuries. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I got a bit bruised but most of it has healed."

"Ok good. The city's under attack, this place is gonna blow." I informed her, hoisting up my energy blasters, grinning "I brought a key." Nat smirked as I shot the lock on her door, freeing her.

"You've got a lot better with improv Bambi." She grinned, using my mission nickname. It wasn't my superhero name but Nat called me Bambi because on my first ever mission (a small one with just me and her) I slipped and fell on the ice 'Like a human Bambi' to quote Nat. And I guess it kinda stuck.
"Shut up," I mumbled, helping her up and pulling her into a firm hug.

"Ok so what's our play?" Nat asked, getting straight to business as we walked out of the building.

"We need to prioritise getting everyone out of the city, after that..." I paused. "I guess we improvise."

"Not too complicated, easy to remember, I like it." Nat smiled, I smiled with her.

A loud explosion suddenly came from the church. We both started running towards it. A few seconds later, we were surrounded by Ultron's robots.

"It seems you're gonna have to go in without a warm-up." I said to Nat dryly as we both started to take down the robots. There were 4 there so each of us had to get 2 gone. I knew where to strike. I had noticed that the joints, particularly the neck, were weak. I aimed for that, jumping up and down and moving frequently to loosen it up. After about a minute, both of mine were taken down as were Nat's. We ran towards the screams of the nearby people, making sure to keep them as far away from danger as possible.

We were met with the sight of Wanda screaming at everyone to get off the bridge and Cap fighting about six of the robots at once. It was a complete pandemonium, the robots just seemed to keep appearing. Nat left to help Steve and I rushed over to help Wanda. She was pushed over just before I reached her. I helped her up, as she was seemingly ok and looked up at the sky where the red man-Vision I think we had decided to call him was hovering.

"Ultron." He said calmly, his metallic voice travelling fast through the streets from the church.

"My Vision, they really did take everything from me." Ultron replied. Although we were about 100 metres away from the church, we could hear every word being said.

"You set the terms, you can change them."

"All right," Ultron grabbed Vision and flew up above the church so we could make out the silhouette of them . It wasn't done for our benefit but it sure was helpful to get context from the conversation-even if we were fighting robots in the process. Vision clamped his hands around Ultron's face, his whole body vibrating slightly.

Whatever he did worked, he was able to throw Ultron to a wall with a satisfying metallic clang

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