Chapter 22 - Y/N

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I spotted Wanda, trying to help a little boy out of the firing line, with a robot on her tail. I threw my dagger at the neck at the same time as Clint, who fired an arrow. We both moved quickly, getting Wanda into a small room, dodging the energy blasts.

Wanda was near to tears as she gasped "How could I let this happen?" I crawled over to her and pulled her to my chest, wrapping her up into a comforting hug, she grabbed me and held on tight, her eyes darting about in fear.

"You ok?" I asked, ignoring the many crashes around us.

"This is all our fault." Wanda wept

"Hey, hey, look at me." Clint ordered "It's your fault, it's everyone's fault, who cares? Are you up for this?" He asked. When she didn't reply, he asked again "Are you? Look I just need to know because you know, the city is flying."

"And we're fighting robots, I have two daggers and he has a bow and arrow." I added "None of this makes sense."

A blast came through the wall, I turned around, putting myself in front of Wanda as Clint dived out of the way and quickly fired an arrow through the hole.

"I'm going out there because it's my job ok and I can't do my job and babysit, neither can she." He glanced at me "It doesn't matter what you did, or what you were, if you go out and you fight to kill. Stay in here you're good. Y/N will go and get your brother to get you. I'm sure she would be thrilled." I chucked a pebble at him, thanking everything that the room was dark as my face was bright red. "But if you step out that door, you're an Avenger."

"It's more of a hole in the wall than a door actually." I whispered to Wanda "If you become an Avenger then you have the added bonus of feeling like a badass all the time."

She smiled weakly and got up, her face resolute. She walked out and started fighting, her magic powerful and bright.

"Certified Badass!" I yelled as I shot two robots, she smiled briefly. "We're all clear here." I said into comms. Cap replied, shouting down the line

"We are not clear here, repeat we're very not clear."

"I don't think they're clear there." I remarked to Wanda sarcastically.

"Alright, coming to you." Clint replied. At this moment, Pietro came speeding down the street, picking me up, whispering to Wanda that he'd be back in a second.

"Keep up old man." He yelled as he carried me back to the square. He left and returned a second later, with Wanda with him.

"What happened to warning me?" I joked

"Must have slipped my mind." He grinned back mischievously.

All of us now in the square, we were assisted by the police that had finally decided to do something instead of sit on their arses. We were also right in the polices firing line.

"Hold your fire!" The chief said, clearly one of them ignored that, pulling the trigger a fraction too early. It skimmed Pietro's arm. We both looked up to see a very guilty officer.

"I literally stitched that arm up last night," I yelled, annoyed. Pietro looked at his arm and murmured

"It's not that bad."

"I know but I wanted to make a point."

"You make a lot of points anyway."

"All good, obviously." I remarked jokingly

"I'm not so sure." Pietro replied, I flicked his arm lightly, he gasped "You spent all night fixing that!"

"Shut up."

The bastard only winked at me.

"The next wave's gonna hit any minute,"Steve said through comms "What do you have Stark?"

"Nothing great," Dad replied. "Maybe a way to blow up the city."

"So everything's going to plan then." I muttered, Pietro huffing a laugh.

"That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear."

"I asked for a solution, not an escape plan." Steve said back curtly

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second." Dad said "We have to make a choice."

I could hear Nat arguing with Steve over the fact that everyone down there would die. I walked over to them.

"I suppose it's not the worst way to go." Nat shrugged

"Where else would you get a view like this?" I came up behind them.

"I'm glad you like the view Stark Junior," Fury's voice came through the comms radio "It's about to get better."

Nat, Steve and I stood on a hill of rubble, watching the sky slowly change from blue and cloudy to grey and metallic as the helicarrier rose up. Pietro strode up next to me, staring at it, his mouth curling up into that grin I had become so accustomed to. I looked back, watching as people's faces turned to hope and relief.

"Not too shabby, she's dusty but she'll do." Fury spoke through comms.

"Fury you son of a bitch." Steve shook his head in disbelief

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" I asked jokingly, then I heard Maria's voice

"Altitude is 18,000 and climbing, lifeboats are engaged to deploy in 3...2...take them out."

Mechanical whirring came from the massive helicarrier and 6 or 7 mini carriers flew out, stationing themselves around the rock of Sokovia that was slowly rising.

"This is SHIELD?" Pietro asked, grinning.

"This is what it's meant to be, usually its just a whole load of paperwork though." I said back


"Yup, they only show up in moments like this to steal our thunder." I joked, laughing at the playful banter as Nat rolled her eyes

"Well, this is not so bad." Pietro chuckled.

"Load 'em up." Cap ordered through comms, running off to grab civilians. I went left and Pietro went right, showing off with his speedy skills. As I was running I noticed several robots heading toward the helicarrier, I checked to see if anything was being done and saw Dad, his red suit shining in the sun, bashing robots to bits. His stolen robots. Oh well, I guess he can check that off the bucket list now. Rhodey came along too, I could already imagine what kind of story was going to come out of this fight.

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