Chapter 9 - Y/N

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"Stark is a sickness!" Ultron raged. Ultron was in the middle of the room, shouting at the man who he had just kicked down the stairs. Beside him was a boy and a girl. They looked about my age, both of them. Probably twins. The boy was tall and his muscles were barely concealed by the thin shirt he wore. His hair was pale blond with dark roots, his eyebrows cocked up playfully but he was tense, that was obvious. The girl had long dark hair and a slim frame, covered by a black dress and leather jacket. She looked much more at ease though her shoulders were drawn inwards.

"Aww junior, you're gonna break your old man's heart." Dad said calmly to the robot landing in between Thor and Cap. I was stationed on a water pipe near the ceiling. Although I could fight well, I was best at moving quietly and sneaking into places, even better than Nat, but she could fight a lot better than me so we were even.

"Oh I will." Ultron replied.

"We don't have to break anything." Thor stated trying to dissuade a fight.

"Clearly you've never made an omelette." Ultron observed, I fought the urge to smile, although he was trying to destroy peace, he had stolen some of Dad's jokes.

At this point, the blondie walked up, revealing his heavy Russian accent "Fine Mr Stark, it's what? Comfortable ? Like old times?" The boy glanced at the nukes that were stored below the walkway that they were currently on.

"You two can still walk away from this." Cap said

"Oh we will," The girl nodded, her accent similar to her brother's, she smiled condescendingly.

"Captain America," Ultron pronounced each syllable "God's righteous man who cannot live without a war."

"You can leave in peace," Thor said.

"I think you're confusing peace with quiet," Ultron sneered.

"Yeah well, what's the vibranium for?" Dad asked

"Oh I'm glad you asked that as I wanted to take time to explain my evil plan." Ultron said sarcastically, blasting dad backwards.

He got back up and flew straight at Ultron, who did the same thing. They clashed in the air and started blasting each other. Cap and Thor were attacked by the other robots. The blonde boy ran for Thor's hammer. He was fast. Like really fast. I guess these were the enhanced kids Dad mentioned a few days ago. I looked at the girl, Wanda I think, who had just knocked Cap down with her red magic. The robots were fighting everyone now, I could hear it over comms. I looked at the blue blur to see that the boy, Pietro, had just grabbed Thor's hammer. I grinned at what was going to happen next. The hammer kept flying and took Pietro with it, landing him on a box of something or another. I jumped down from the water pipe and landed neatly in front of him, punching his delirious, annoyingly attractive face, sending him falling back down.

"Stay down Blondie," I ordered, running off to help elsewhere. I ran into the control room. Where Nat was fighting. I was met with Wanda, her fingers moving around Nat's head, an expression of pain written on her face.

She looked round at me, I ran, shouting into the comms.

"Female enhanced is mind controlling now, do not engage, she already has Romanoff!" I grinned at how professional I sounded.

"I think she got everyone but us." I heard Clint's voice on the comms. "Where are you?"

"Left side corridor, just out of the control room." I replied.

"Ok, come to the main room, I'm on the balcony above that."

"Sure thing." I ran through the maze of corridors, eventually coming to the main area. I saw Clint shooting at various robots. I took out my daggers and started scaling the wall with them. I helped him take down the robots, watching his back. Then Wanda came up behind us, I was about to warn Clint before he electrocuted her.

"Clint!" I knelt down beside her, checking her pulse and her breathing. Thankfully she was still alive. "And what was that for?"

"I've done the whole mind control thing, not a fan of it." He shrugged. I sighed and gently removed the electric arrow from her forehead, prying off the patches that shocked her. At this moment, Pietro sped towards us, pushing me out of the way to get to his sister. He glanced at me, then Clint and set off a grenade in the room next door, enough to push us off the balcony but not enough to kill us.

"Well that was rude." I huffed.

A Blondie and Printsessa - Pietro Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now