Random Thoughts

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"Alex, what if Santa Clause in lactose intolerant and all this time we've been poisoning him?" Reggie says laying on the couch.

"I'm starting to think I'm Reggie intolerant."

"Oh no! Does that mean we have to stop hanging out so you don't die?"

"I'm already- that's not...I'm not....okay."

"And do you know what I realized today? The voice in your head never needs to take a breath." Reggie says stark cat the celling deep in thought.

Alex groans realizing this might go on for a while. "You know you can keep those things your little voice is telling you in your head. You don't need to share."

"But my mom taught me sharing is caring."

"Awe, sharing is caring?" Alex says sarcastically. "Well I don't care."

"Nothing is on fire....fire is on things." Reggie says.


"Being born increases your chances of death by 100%." Reggie says. "We're living...or dead, proof of it."

"I need something to throw."

"Let's throw a pizza party!" Reggie sits up.

"No. Something to throw at you." Alex says.

"Well that's not very nice." Reggie frowns. "That's actually kinda mean."

"Okay well I'm not actually being serious, I'm not actually gonna throw something at you. I'm not that mean." Alex says.

"Okay good because I have more." Reggie smiles with excitement.

"No you don't." Alex says. "It is 3 am. Go to sleep."

"Ghosts can't sleep."

"Yeah well... okay. Fair enough. Continue."

"Do you ever think dogs look at police dogs and think 'oh no it's a cop!'?"

"No, No I don't think about that."

"Do you ever think about how parents just made up random rules only right after you broke them just so they could punish you for them because they really just needed to get their anger out and punch something so they used you and that's how they justified it."

"What!?" Alex says in shock of the dark turn that suddenly took. "I'm sorry...what!?"

"You don't think of that?" Reggie says.

"Your parents did what!?" Alex says. 

"I'm sensing I might have said something I shouldn't have....let's just move on." Reggie says. "Did you know that blue whales-"

"Reggie that's not normal. Or okay."

"Oh...I'm sorry."

"No not you. Well, you're definitely not normal, but I'm talking about what your parents did. It's not okay."

"Oh...so that never happened to you?"

"No." Alex shakes his head looking at Reggie with deep concern. "I... I mean I guess there's nothing I can do about it now since we're dead but, Reg I'm so sorry they did that." Alex wished in that moment he had a time machine so he could go back in time and help Reggie get out of that situation.

"Eh it's fine." Reggie shrugs. It wasn't that much of a big deal to him because that was just his everyday life. "Anyways, back to blue whales..." Reggie trails off with all kinds of facts about blue whales and Alex can't take his mind over how easily Reggie could just gloss over what just happened.

"Reggie stop talking about blue whales for just a second." Alex interrupted him.


"I need you to understand that it's never okay for anybody to hurt you like that okay?" He says. "No matter who they are or how normal you think it is, it's never ever okay. Please tell someone if something like that happens."

"Jeez, I didn't know you'd be so held up on this. Alex it's fine. It's in the past don't worry about it."

"Reg, your parents abused you and you thought it was normal and alright for them to do." Alex says. "I can't just skip over that. I need you to know that if somebody hurts you, it's not okay and you shouldn't be okay with it."

"Oh! No it wasn't like that I mean I deserved it for breaking the rules, so it's not-"

"No, no you didn't deserve it. Okay please just promise me, if someone hurts you in anyway and for any reason you tell me about it." Alex says.

"Okay okay can I continue the facts about blue whales now?" Reggie says.

"I guess." Alex says but now he couldn't get his mind off of it. How didn't he notice what was going on back when they were alive? Weren't there supposed to be signs? Did he miss all the signs? Could he have done something to help?

"And that's all the facts I have about blue whales!" Reggie finished.

"That's great. Thanks Reg." Alex says.


Okay so that took an unexpected turn there. I didn't plan that I kinda just wrote this and let it go wherever it wanted and that's where we went.

Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this one-shot. I love continuing to write and keep the fandom alive even after it's cancellation. Netflix will always suck for that.

Anyways, I hope you all have the most beautiful day or night, remember to take care of yourselves and always stand tall 💜👻

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