Jatp season 2???

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Since people have been spreading speculation about a possible Jatp season 2, I wanna share my personal expectations, hopes, thoughts, wishes, whatever, for the show if there were to be a season 2. (PLS note nothing has been confirmed yet. I know it's fun to be delulu and have hope, I'm with you, but the chances of it coming back are slim to none right now until the cast or Kenny wanna speak up👀) also, these are my personal thoughts and hopes, so sorry if I don't include something you're desperate to see.

- Ray meeting the guys ESPECIALLY Reggie. I need him to meet his pal. This friendship may be one sided but it's CRIMINALLY underrated and deserves more attention. The way Ray makes Reggie so happy without even knowing who Reggie is or that he's there🥹🥹 I need Reggie to be able to meet him so he can let Ray know how happy he makes him!! Again, super super underrated and deserves more screen time.

-Carrie redemption arc!!! I love characters who start out like Carrie and have growth. I also need to k Ow what happened between her and Julie to make them fall out. I heard from jatpcollation on instagram that it was because after Carrie's parents got a divorce and Julie's mom died, neither of them were there for each other or something like that. It would be interesting to explore that more.

-more Carrie songs and Caleb songs.

-more Nick. Also, poor guy is possessed by Caleb, FREE HIS SOUL!!! Nick is super underrated and honestly if Julie doesn't want him my aroace romance repulsed ass will take him that's how much I believe this boy deserves more love.

- something I actually don't wanna see, is a love triangle. Please no. It's more of a personal preference but I hate love triangles and think they cause unnecessary beef in fandoms or hate upon characters.

-a double trouble song. Would love to hear Flynn sing more

-more Alex and Reggie. More backstory, more screen time, more singing. I would love to hear on of Reggie's country songs, and I think it would be a little cute if Alex wrote a song to Willie. Also I desperately need their backstories and their own song to go with it.

-I have a head cannon that I am absolutely obsessed with that Reggie is aromantic (might be me projecting bc I'm aroace and I struggle with my aro identity) and I would absolutely love that to be true and have a scene with it doing something with like explains the importance of familial/platonic love because to a lot of aspec people that kind of love is so important bc we don't have romantic feelings either as much or even at all and so just like a scene with pointing that out or showing platonic love is just as beautiful and meaningful would honestly heal me in such a way. I actually might need this, like actually need not want. If this were true I would cry tears of joy while my broken aro heart gets mended. (This is my like one thing I want that I know has no shot at happening which honestly was the only thing making me slightly okay with there being no season 2 bc then there wasn't anything to really disprove my head cannon. Idk. I know this will never be true, but one can dream)

-Caleb backstory. Villain backstories intrigue me.

-flashbacks to 1995 or with just sunset curve in general

-flashbacks with Julie and her mom

-Bobby/Trevor's reaction to his dead bandmates being in a band with Julie. What's he gonna do? Is he gonna ask Julie about it? Will he apologize for stealing their songs?

That's all I can think of for now. Thanks for listening, have a great day/night. Take care and stand tall 👻💜

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