Incorrect Quotes

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Alex: (to Reggie) that was dumb
Bobby: could you be any dumber
Alex: EXSUSE YOU! Take that back right now! How dare you!


Julie: me and Flynn took the best friends test and got a perfect score
Luke: no need to brag
Alex: you're just salty me and Reggie got a higher score than you and him
Luke: you didn't get a higher score, okay our score that said me and Reggie would make a good couple instead of best friends. I didn't want to get exposed like that
Alex: you don't need a test to prove that we all already know


Alex: what happed to you it looks like you fell in a ditch
Reggie: when I got here I accidentally crashed my bike into the side of your house. By the way your window is broken
Alex: it wasn't broken before
Reggie: that's because it broke when I crashed through it
Alex: are you okay?!
Reggie: I'm a little hungry but yea I'm doing alright thanks for asking
Alex: that's not what I meant


Reggie: I can't believe you said you don't love me anymore 😢
Alex: I didn't. When did I say that? I didn't say that.
Reggie: you won't let me me see what paint taste like
Alex: this again. You're upset with me because I won't let you poison yourself?
Reggie: yes :(
Alex: what if I buy you pizza
Reggie: All's forgiven


Reggie: hey Ray how's it going
Ray: *stares at computer
Reggie: Ooh! We should try and communicate through brain waves. Okay ready I'm gonna send you a signal. *thinking the word pizza over and over again
Alex: *poofs in hey watcha doing
Reggie: sending Ray brain waves so he can read my mind. Shhh you'll break the concentration
Alex: alright
Ray: hey kids! I'm thinking we should order pizza tonight for dinner
Reggie: *gasps IT WORKED
Alex: it's kinda sad a lifer that can't see you is your best friend
Reggie: not all of us live happy lives Alex! *poofs away


Reggie: I'm not going to jail am I? 🥺
Cops: no we just need to know if your parents or guardian are home
Reggie: Alex is here. That's close enough
Alex: it's true. I basically keep him alive. Well- I keep him from doing something stupid and dangerous
Alex: wait Reggie why are there cops here? What did you do!?


Reggie: dudes if you think about it life is like the color blue
Alex:  because it's dark, sad, and depressing?
Reggie: I was gonna say because without u it's just ble.
Luke: awwweee
Alex: that's dumb
Reggie: do you need a hug?
Alex: don't touch me


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