Pushed to the side

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Flynn's POV

As happy as I am for Jules that she's signing again and she has this really cool band that's becoming super popular, I can't help but feel like I'm just there on the sidelines, not really a big part of her life anymore.

I know, I sound jealous and insecure, I know. I mean, I'm her best friend so I should have no reason to feel like this but for some reason I do. It's not like I can compete with cute ghosts from the 90s.

And I know, it's not a competition so I don't know why I threw the word "compete" in there. I guess I don't really know how to express how I feel with words. My point is, my best friend is becoming popular, and I guess I'm afraid she's out growing me and one day she will just...be too busy to be my best friend.

Believe me, I know how selfish it sounds. And I'm not saying I don't want that for her because I do want that for her, I want her to love her dream, but I miss when it was our dream. I miss when we were Double Trouble, and we faced the world together. Now I feel like I'm...well I feel like I'm flying solo.

This morning is one of the rare occasions I have Julie's attention, and I can talk to her without some random kid trying to get a selfie with her. A new season of my favorite show just came out on Netflix and I was telling her all about it. I already bunged the whole season last night. I'm exhausted but not too exhausted to be excited to talk to her.

I was in the middle of explaining the second episode when all of the sudden I'm shoved to the side and two girls from music class link arms with Julie and start walking faster ahead of me, talking to Julie about her performance yesterday.

My brain completely shuts off and I forget what I was saying where I was, and how to walk. I stood there in shock, thinking what the heck?  That was so rude, I was talking to her and they just shoved me to the side as if I was t even there.

And these weren't any girls. Julie was becoming more and more close with them, they're her friends. One of them use to be mine but she doesn't talk to me anymore, she mostly just talks to Julie.

I wanted to stand up for myself and say some thing to those girls, but I was too shocked to to anything as they walked away with my best friend.

Julie looks back at me and says, "I'm still listening" but what was the point? I don't remember what I was talking about and I wasn't about to talk over these two girls. But it made me feel so much better just to hear those words, even if those two girls didn't even bother to look back and apologize. It's like I wasn't even there to them.

"Oh no, that's okay, I was fine talking anyways." I say as I quickly start walking again.

Julie unlinks from the other girls. "I know you weren't." She says. She looks back to the tie he girls, with almost a kind of glare. "We can talk later, you kind of interrupted us. I was trying to listen to my best friend."

"Okay, yeah we'll talk later." One girl says. "See ya!" The two girls walk away, and I'm a little upset they still didn't apologize but it's probably not even a big deal and I'm just being dramatic. It's okay, they don't need to apologize anyways.

"I'm sorry about that." Julie says.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I'm sorry on their behalf, they we're kinda rude. And I let it happen."

"Thanks anyways. But it's fine, you didn't need to do that."

"You were telling me something you were really excited about, and I want to hear about it. I didn't appreciate the way they pulled me away from you and I didn't appreciate the way they pushed you to the side."

"It's fine, I don't even remember what I was saying." I say.

"You were telling me about how Liam was gonna ask out the girl he's been crushing on for almost two years but then his friend Ryan confessed he has feeling for him." Julie says and I'm not gonna lie I'm surprised and a little impressed she got all that. I tend to talk a lot about my favorite show, and I kinda assumed everyone tinned me out when I talked about it but I should have known Julie was always listening. And I'm impressed because when I'm excited I talk really fast, it can be hard to understand me sometimes. And again, I should have known Julie knows me well enough to understand when I'm taking a million words per second.

"Right, thank you." I smile. I continue talking to her about the show and I realize something that day. It doesn't matter if everyone else sees me just on the sidelines, I'm Julie's best friend and all that matters is how she sees me and I know she'd never leave me flying solo.

Double trouble is forever.

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