Blue's Clues

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Third person

Luke walked into the studio one evening and Reggie was sitting on the couch with Julie's laptop that he was borrowing, watching something on it.

"Whaca watching Reggie?" Luke asks plopping down on the couch next to him. He blinked and rubbed his eye to be sure he was seeing what he was actually seeing.

"What the hell is this?" He asks. "Why is the dog blue and why is everything animated except that dude."

"It's Blue's Clues." Reggie smiles. "It came out the year after we died, a year too late unfortunately." Reggie sighs in disappointment. "We're about to find the final clue! Do you wanna join us?"

"Who's us?" Luke asks.

"Me, Steve, and Blue." Reggie says pointing to the screen.

"Reggie they can't see you on the other side of the screen, it doesn't work like that buddy."

"But Steve talks to me like he can. And it's fun to pretend." Reggie says. "So are you joining or no?"

"Reggie, this show is for kids, you do know that right?" Luke asks. "Why are you watching it?"

"Because solving clues makes you smarter and Alex says I lack intelligence so I'm watching this until I get smarter than him so I can brag about how I can solve clues and he can't."

"Well in that case I'd love to join if it earns me bragging rights. Scotch over." Luke squeezes in the chair next to Reggie, eyes already glued to the screen.

A bunch of hours later

"Hey guys whacha doing?" Alex comes into the studio.

"Watching Blues Clues to get smarter than you since you were being mean earlier and called me dumb."

"Yeah, take that Alex." Luke says.

"Blues Clues is a kids show." Alex says.

"It has a dog!" Reggie says excitedly. "That's BLUE! And her name is Blue. Isn't that so cute!?"

"Yea sure, cute." Alex says. "You guys realize watching a kids show won't make you smarter."

"Maybe not but I love this show." Reggie smiles. "You should join us!"


"Because Blue and Steve will become your friends and we all can be friends and solve clues together." Reggie says.

"Okay." Alex sighs.  "Have fun with that."

"So you're not gonna join us?" Reggie frowns.

"Boooo you're no fun." Luke says.

"Okay fine, fine, I'll join you." Alex says to please them. They move to the couch and begin the next episode. After a few more hours they are all enjoying it because who wouldn't love a show about a little Blue dog?

"I bet you're happy you joined us now." Reggie says to Alex. "You really like this show."

"Shut up no I don't." He denies.

Sorry it's so short but thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I can't believe I've written so many one shots that I need to start a second book of them. That's crazy. Anyways thanks again for reading it means a lot you guys are still here. Hope you have a wonderful day or night, remember to take care of yourselves and always stand tall 💜👻

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