Quotes of Incorrectness

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Reggie: Alex called me immature so I kicked him out of my fort
Alex: can I please come back in I'm sorry
Julie: I don't think he's gonna cave, he seems pretty upset with you.
Luke: then you don't know Reggie and Alex.
Alex: I have pizza and breadsticks.
Reggie: Luke and Julie you should leave, Alex is the only one invited now because he brought pizza and you guys didn't


Luke: where are you going?
Reggie: to the beach with Rue
Luke: be sure to take your demon repellent


Alex: I can't believe I told Willie he has nice eyebrows what kinda weirdo says that and now he knows I wasn't really making eye contact with him and I was just staring at his eyebrows and he's gonna think I'm weird and he probably hates me now and-
Reggie: relax. He doesn't hate you, and if he does I'll hit him with a car. And you weren't wrong, he does have some nice eyebrows
Luke: he does


Reggie: I am not only the sweetest band member, but the cutest, the coolest, and -
Alex: the dumbest
Reggie: well that's not nice ☹️
Alex: you're still the cutest
Luke: what about me!?
Reggie: you're the nicest. And Alex is the meanest
Alex: I'll buy you pizza?
Reggie: never mind, Alex is the nicest.


Reggie: Alex said he hates me again 😭
Alex: stop telling people I said that I never said that, I would never say that
Julie: then what did you say?
Reggie: he told me he didn't wanna see the picture I drew, and it was gonna be a gift for him but now he's unappreciative. Do you want it Julie?
Alex: awe you were gonna give it to me?
Reggie: not after you hurt my feelings 🥺
Julie: yeah Alex. Maybe you shouldn't have said you hated him
Alex: I didn't say....okay.


Reggie: knock knock
Alex: go away
Reggie: you don't wanna hear my knock knock joke? 🥺
Alex: no not really
Reggie: ding dong
Alex: my door bell is broken so...
Reggie: that's it I'm coming in through your window and telling you this joke and you can't stop me


Luke: what's it like being you
Alex: you mean living in a constant state of anxiety and fear of being a disappoint all while keeping two idiots from doing something stupid. It's great.
Reggie: that does sound great. But who are the two idiots?
Luke: yeah, I thought we were your only friends
Alex: you are


Reggie: someone said you have a really bad owl impression
Luke: what?  
Reggie: they're right. That impression sucks
Luke: what?
Reggie: keep practicing buddy


Julie: when did the pain start?
Alex: it all started my fist day of kindergarten, September 1, 1983
Reggie: hey that's the day we met! :)
Alex: yea...exactly
Reggie: I don't get it. What's that have to do with your pain?
Alex: don't worry about it


Alex: I'm older
Reggie: I'm younger
Alex: well I'm taller
Reggie: I'm shorter
Alex: I'm smarter
Reggie: and I'm not falling for that because I'm actually smarter


Alex: what the heck happened to your arm?
Reggie: oh, it's nothing.
Alex: no it's not, there was glass in it! What happened?
Reggie: theres a reason for that, which is....I'm Batman and when I was fighting the joker last night I had to jump through a window to make my escape.
Luke: come on, you're not Batman. If you were, I would know because I'd be your Robin.
Alex: actually I think you'd be Batman and Reggie would be Robin. He gives off sidekick vibes
Reggie: hey! It's my lie! Don't go changing it, I'm Batman. Me!
Alex: it's your lie? Hmm
Reggie: uh I mean...you know that's interesting because
Reggie: *runs away 🏃‍♂️💨


Luke: what are your plans with Reggie
Rue: I plan to destroy his life
Luke: I knew it!
Rue: I'm not being serious! We're just going to the beach to make sand castles
Luke: you're gonna bury him and leave him to die in the sand!?
Rue: no, I'm not. But I just might to you


Reggie: do you wanna see a magic trick
Alex: ooh can you do the one where you disappear
Reggie: ☹️ that's not very nice. And no...I can't because I don't know how to make myself reappear
Bobby: even better
Alex: shut up Bobby nobody asked you. That's not very nice, how dare you even say that you stupid egg

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