Incorrect Quotes

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Julie: go away I'm sad
Reggie: it's okay to be sad. Sad stands for secretly and dinosaur and I think that's very rad, you're an amazing dino
Alex: that's not what-
Julie: shut up Alex. Thanks for making me feel better Reggie


Luke: I really am sorry buddy. I didn't mean it. I'll get you pizza to make it up to you
Reggie: that's Alex's thing. Come up with your own apology
Alex: yeah Luke. Getting pizza for him is my thing.
Luke: okay, um.... Ice cream?
Reggie: what kind?
Luke: whatever kind you want. With extra sprinkles
Reggie: okay you're forgiven


Julie: sometimes I wonder what it'll be like to have 3 friends who share one brain cell
Julie: then I look at Luke Alex and Reggie and realize I already have that
Flynn: I knew Alex had to be keeping something in that fanny pack. I bet it's the brain cell


Reggie: if I were a flower what flower would I be?
Alex: a dandelion
Reggie: awe because I remind you of the sun and I'm like a magical puff ball that grants wishes?
Alex: no, because you're a weed I can't get rid of.
Reggie ☹️
Julie: well I think dandelions are very cool
Reggie: ha! Take that Alex


Alex: I swear Luke is so full of himself sometimes he has a crush on himself
Reggie: I mean I'd have a crush on myself too if I were him


Reggie watching the lion king and Can You Feel the Love Tonight starts playing

Movie: can you feel the love tonight
Reggie: no actually I can't, that's the whole point of me being aromantic


Reggie: I love you guys all so much and I would bring you all flowers and compliment you and I want to make you the happiest people on earth!
Luke: awe that's really sweet buddy
Reggie: but no romo!
Alex: don't you mean no homo?
Reggie: no. All the homo without the romo.


Reggie: you know when you wanna talk to someone so bad but you can't because you're afraid they'll think you're lame and you don't want them to reject you and all you want to do is compliment their cool Star Wars stickers but the mere thought of talking to them makes your stomach hurt
Alex: you mean a crush?
Reggie: yea but like in the friend way. I don't wanna date this person that's weird! I just wanna be friends
Julie: awe! Reggie you have a squish!
Reggie: don't squish me 🥺
Julie: no a squish is a word for aromantic people who have similar feelings to a crush but in a friend way
Reggie: oohhh yeah then I have a squish


Reggie: isn't our dad the best dad ever
Julie: my dad isn't your dad
Reggie: yes he is. I adopted him
Julie: that's not how that- what about your dad. Your actual dad, like from when you were alive
Reggie: Ray is so much nicer though! My dad was so mean :(
Julie: okay okay I'll share my dad with you


Some aromantic incorrect quotes at the end because apparently today was aro visibility day and nobody told me, I just put those in for fun but you know, now it's to celebrate aro visibility day so Happy aro visibility day!!!! and happy pride month!! 🏳️‍🌈🫶🏻💜

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed and remember to take care of yourselves and always stand tall 💜👻🫶🏻

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