Neil's Decision

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Chapter 25:

It was daytime, the sun was shining over the hospital and inside it, Neil, Prakash, Juhi, and Vidyut were standing in the corridor where the doctor hurriedly went to the ICU. The staff was going and coming out. No one was ready to say anything. A nurse came out and Neil stood in her way.

Neil: What happened? Why anyone is not telling us anything?

Nurse: Sir, the patient is serious please let me go.

Neil and the others were shocked. The nurse went and Neil went to the door. Neil saw that the doctor gave an injection to Avni who was jerking.

Another doctor came and asked Neil to stay away. The lady doctor and nurse went inside. Neil looked there and they closed the curtains. Neil was shocked. Neil turned and his eyes were teary. Neil walked two steps and lost his senses.

Neil: Aaaavni… Aaavnniiii… my Avni… I want my Avni back. She is mine. Sheeee, she can’t go away from me. Iiiii, I will not let her go.

Neil turned while saying: I will not let her go.

Neil was about to open the door. Vidyut and Prakash held him.

Vidyut and Prakash: Neil.

Neil: leave me... I am going to my Avni. Leave me, I have to stop her else she will go away from me.

Neil freed himself and opened the door. Prakash and Vidyut tried to stop him but Neil went inside. The doctor and others saw him.

Lady Doctor: Who is he? Take him out.

Neil: I want to talk to my Avni.

The doctor looked at another doctor.

Doctor: he is her husband.

Lady Doctor came to Neil.

Lady Doctor: See, Mr, we are trying to save her. Please cooperate with us.

Neil: I came to cooperate.

Neil went to Avni and caressed her hair.

Neil: Avni. Avni, wake up.

Prakash and Vidyut were looking at Neil and then they were asked to go.

Neil: Love, love, please don’t do this to me… please calm down and come back to me. Come back to your Neil and Neav… Neav is waiting for you at our home. He wants his mother. He wants you. You won, Avni. You won. You won and I lost. Please come back, if not for me then for Neav… please come back… we love you.

Avni calmed. The doctor looked at the machine. Neil looked at the doctors, staff, and machines and then he looked at the doctor and Avni.

Lady Doctor: Talk to her, she can listen to you.

Neil looked at the doctor and then he looked at Avni.

Neil: We love you, Avni. We love you and if you love us then come back to us. We are waiting for you. Neav is waiting for his mama. You know, he said that he will eat only when you will feed him. You will not come back for him, hmm? You will not come back to feed him? Please come back.

Avni sighed and Neil was surprised. Everyone was surprised. Avni opened her eyes slightly. The doctor and others were surprised. Neil smiled to see Avni.

Neil whispered: Avni.

Avni looked at Neil and a tear fell from Avni’s eye.

Avni whispered: Ne… Neav.

Neil couldn’t understand but he nodded. Avni closed her eyes and Neil’s expression turned.

Neil: Aaavni… Avni.

Neil looked at the doctors. The doctor checked Avni.

Lady Doctor: She is fine. She slept because of the effect of the medicine.

Neil closed his eyes and was relieved.

Lady Doctor: It is a good sign that she opened her eyes. Let’s hope for good news.

Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: She has to come back to us.

Lady Doctor smiled.

Lady Doctor: Who is Neav?

Neil: Neav is our 5-year-old son.

LD: Oh, ok, he can’t come here. I wish he could come here. Sometimes, medicines don’t work but emotions work.

Neil thought.

Neil: I can take him here.

LD: Kids are not allowed here.

Neil: Cell phone?

The lady doctor shook her head.


Neil thought.

Neil: Can’t you shift Avni to another room for some time? Neav is her medicine. Neav can treat her.

The doctors looked at each other and then they looked at Neil.

Neil came out of the ICU. Everyone looked at him. Juhi got angry. Prakash came to Neil.

Prakash: Neil...

Neil hugged Prakash and cried while smiling. No one can see Neil's face. Everyone was shocked.

Prakash: Neil?

Neil smiled while crying.

Neil: Dad, Avni opened her eyes.

Everyone was surprised. Juhi smiled and tears fell from her eyes.

Prakash: What?

Neil nodded and said: Yes, she opened her eyes. My Avni opened her eyes.

Prakash: This Means Avni is now out of danger.

Neil's smile faded and broke the hug. Everyone was looking at Neil.

Prakash: Say.

Neil: The doctor said that Avni is still in danger. She is not stable.

Everyone was shocked.

Neil: But she also said that Avni opened her eyes. It is a good sign. She said that if anyhow Neav comes here then Avni may get her consciousness.

Vidyut: means?

Neil looked at him and he narrated everyone.

Juhi: Then we should get Neav here.

Vidyut shook his head.

Vidyut: Kids are not allowed in the hospital.

Juhi: Then what will we do?

Neil: The doctors said that they have given Avni an injection. She will get her consciousness in two hours if not then it can be… risky.

Everyone got worried. Neil sighed.

Neil: I am going home. Mom called a while ago, Neav was asking for Avni and is not eating anything. I am going to him.

Vidyut and Prakash nodded.

Vidyut: You go, we are here.

Neil nodded and looked at Juhi who didn’t give any reaction. Neil thought and went. The doctor was sitting in her cabin and the door knocked. The door gave permission and Neil came inside.

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