No Sleep in Brooklyn

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Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.

If I had a nickel for everytime I encountered a mythological monster that is nicknamed after a Spider-Man villain, I'd have two. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice, right? I mean, first we got a harpy that was nicknamed, "The Vulture". Now, we have a (somewhat) hispanic, drug dealing manticore nicknamed "Scorpion" out in the streets.

Yeah, Manuel's a manticore. How do I know this? Well don't forget that I was into mythology way before I knew it was real. So I did a lot of research on the subject. If you don't recall what a manticore was, it's a chimera-like hybrid monster that was part-lion; part-skorpion and part-human.

I don't know why he's hispanic, though.

Maybe some manticores lived in Mexico? Wait...

"Hey, Scorpion! By any chance, are you related to the Chupacabra?" I asked as I dodge his attacks. Thanks to my new powers, my Spider-Instinct really helps me in combat. I have been dodging a lot of Scorpion's attacks from either his claws or stinger. Sam has been hanging in there as well as she continues to parry and dodge those hounds attacks. Which is kind of surprising, she doesn't have the Spider-Sense like I do. Maybe it's the result of her powers awakening?

Wait... Has she truly unlocked Ultra Instinct?!

Nah... That'd be stupid. I mean, what kind of idiotic writer would give a character such a powerful skill so early in development? And what's next, a tsundere love-interest who is a princess in disguise and an edge lord rival who's entire village was slaughtered?

Though, it's possible that her powers awakening may have affected her body. Annabeth did say that once a demigod realizes who they are, their powers would awaken and show more often. Since Sam's a daughter of Athena, she may have already awakened her battle-skills and tactical intelligence.

"Holy crap, Stella! I'm like Kassandra and Alexios from Assassin's Creed! I'm the freaking Eagle Bearer!"

But then again, she's still Samantha Stacy, a hardcore gamer and a Otaku.

"Focus, Sam!" I said as I swung my knife at Scorpion. "How did you guys even find us?!"

"Wasn't that hard! You were using modern technology!"

"What?!" I said as I parried his claws. "What does that even mean?!"

Scorpion laughed, "They haven't told you? Demigods using modern technology tend to leave out signals that let us monsters know where you are. For example, your little speaker there brought out a strong signal to let not just me, but some of my friends as well."

Okay... that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard, but it does explain why Sam couldn't have a phone. But what about Percy and his friends?! They have phones! What, did they make it monster-proof or something? I mean, Sam watched anime on the library's computers (mostly because she doesn't have one at home) and played games in my apartment since her father refused to let her get- oh wow, that explains SO much.

And I forgot about the fight.

Scorpion does a sweep attack on the ground to make me trip, but my spidey sense told me to jump back. And so I did and landed on the wall.

"I see... so the rumors are true. You truly have the powers of Lady Arachne."

"And you're a monster that sells drugs to humans. Like, why?"

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