Even My Doctor is Quite... Strange

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Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.

So... after what happened at the CTF event, the adults took us to the medical cabin and gave us a check-up. They first checked up on Sam and saw how she was doing after her little power-up. Sam was confused at first on why she was being checked until I explained to her what happened.

"Wait... so I just went full Ultra Instinct?" She asked.


"That's totally cheating! And Overpowering!" She yelled. "There's no way I could use such an overpowering technique this early. Not even Goku mastered it in one day!"

"Relax, it's not Ultra Instinct," Annabeth said. "It's Aura."

"Aura? What's that?" Sam asked.



We already talked about this from the last chapter so we'll just skip that for now. But rest assured, a time will come when Sam's adventures will be revealed. It is awesome!


After Annabeth explained her theory of Aura, Sam was giving a shock expression.

"Oh my god... or rather, gods. I can't believe I unlocked an ability that gods can wield!"

"You unlocked it, but you haven't mastered it," Annabeth said. "I don't watch anime, but even I know that it takes a lot of training to master such power."

"True, but still, it's crazy enough that I'm also a daughter of Athena, let alone have a unique power."

After the doctors finished up on checking on Sam, they reported that she's healthy for now. However, they did find a small burn mark under her arm. It may have been the result of her overusing the power without proper training. Unfortunately, there's no one alive that can guide her to use the power properly. And the gods are forbidden to teach a technique to mortals (Don't ask why because not even Annabeth knows either). So for now, she's not allowed to use the power for the time being.

For now, they started their check up on me. Percy was really impatient about it. Annabeth was more worried about the symbol and what it means. I recall what Percy told me about how she fought Arachne and won. Afterwards, they both fell to Tartarus; I guess seeing the symbol brought some horrible memories for both of them. And it's worse if I have it.

"Anything?" Percy asked.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Just only these marks that's on her sleeves," one of the Apollo kids said.

"Then what about the immense strength she showed earlier? And her fast reflex?!"

"Percy! Calm down!" Annabeth tries to calm Percy down. "I'm sure it can be fixed easily."

"Now, Estelle, do you know when all these strange abilities start to manifest?" One of the Apollo kids asked.

I shrugged, "Sort of? It may have been around the same time that the spider bit me during the field trip. It kind of appeared near the Tablet that mentions Arachne."

"Tablet?" Annabeth asked.

I explained to everyone about how a spider appeared near the Tablet of Arachne and then bit me, only to disappear afterward. Then The Vulture appeared and attacked me and Sam. And pretty much, that's how we were sent to Camp in the first place.

Estelle and the Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now