Sam Becomes The Eagle-Bearer

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Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.

So, the first day of camp (officially) and of course my brother is still asleep. Isn't he one of the camp counselors?

This isn't the first time this has happened; back when I was in elementary school, Percy would oversleep whenever he and Annabeth would come and visit. Usually some loud noise would tend to wake him up, especially since he snores really loud. And don't get me started on his drool. Over 30's and has two kids and still drools in his sleep. Like, what did Annabeth see in this guy?

Luckily, I have my phone, with my favorite music.

I turned it with max volume to one of my favorites, Heat of the Moment by Asia.

Percy instantly woke up and sat up.

"Rise and shine, Seaweed Brain!" I said while dancing to the song and then lip syncing to the lyrics.

Percy groaned as I told him it's morning.

He's never a morning person.

After we got dressed for the day, we met up with Sam for the introduction. Since I'm still a temporary camper, my introduction was short but Percy gave a strong look at the campers and asked them to behave themselves with Sam and I.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, he's still my annoying, dorky overprotective brother. Many of the campers were tempted to do their traditional bathroom initiation, but I straight up looked at them and said, "touch my friend here, and you wish you were fighting monsters."

Most of them shivered at my wrath, but there were a couple of them that scoffed it off.

Good to know who'd to avoid in camp.

After the introduction, Percy took me and Sam to the barracks to get our weapon of choice.

"That reminds me, Annabeth is coming over with the kids," Percy said on the way.

"Really?! That's awesome! I need her to tell me everything!" I said excitedly. As we reached the barracks, I noticed several campers all dirty and filled with dirt and soot.

"Children of Hephaestus," Percy explained. "They love tinkering and building stuff. Leo's one too."

"That makes so much sense," I said. "But... that still doesn't explain how he managed to get a woman like Calypso?" I asked.

Percy chuckled. "He asked himself the same question. Check out the inventory, see what peaks your interest." I nodded and looked around.

There are many kinds of weapons on the shelves. Swords; daggers; spears; axes; etc. There was just a huge variety of weapons. One of the children of Hephaestus, Jim was his name, helping me and Sam on recommendations.

Knowing Sam though, she's a hardcore fan of Assassin's Creed. And with the many references to Greek Mythology, well...

"I don't know what to pick," Sam said excitedly. "What do you think I should get, Stella?"

I shrugged.

Sam continues to look around as I did the same. Truth be told, I never thought about what kind of weapon I'd use, fantasy or not. Though if I had to choose it'd be something like how Annabeth or Percy would fight. I know Percy uses a sword, but that doesn't seem like my style. He did tell me that Annabeth tends to use a dagger but lost during their trip to Rome so she tends to use a sword made of Drakon bones.

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