Runnin' With The Vulture and Her Friend

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Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.

As we finally made it to my apartment building, we got a lot of concerned and confusing looks from the residents. I fear that I may have to avoid taking the main entrance for a while. I mean, look at us, we're dirty; bleeding and bruised up; carrying a wounded police officer and we're just walking toward the front entrance like it's a normal monday.

"Percy, we're getting a lot of attention," I said.

"You'll get used to it."

I don't know if I should be relieved or concerned that Percy is used to all this. As we reached our floor and arrived at my apartment's front door, Percy knocked on the door.

"Annabeth? It's Percy, Estelle's here with her friend and her father."

I heard the locks on the door and it opened.

Annabeth Jackson, my brother's wonderful and brilliant wife. She has princess curly blonde hair and sharp gray eyes. She was wearing a simple shirt with jeans, and was holding what appeared to be a sword, like Percy.

"Estelle!" She yelled and hugged me tight.

"Hey Annabeth, kind of had a rough field trip."

"Wasn't the first time for us. Won't be the last either, I'm afraid," Annabeth replied. "Let's get everyone inside. I'm sure you have some questions."

"Oh you have no idea," I said.

We all went inside and saw my mom taking care of Percy and Annabeth's children, Luke and Silena Jackson.

"Aunt Stelle!" They yelled as they ran toward me, hugging me. Unaware about me being messy and such. I laughed and hugged back.

"Hey kids! I hope you've been behaving for your mom and grandma!"

The kids nodded and were called back to mom's side as the adults talked about the situation. Percy and I explained to Annabeth and Sally what happened while Sam stayed by her dad's side and took care of his bruises.

"And then Sam crashed at that creature and we ran back here," I finished. "So that leads to my question?" I took a deep breath and asked, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! HOW DID PERCY LEARN TO FIGHT AND WHY DO THESE CREATURES KNOW HIM AND HATE HIM?!"

Annabeth answered, "I'll explain everything to you. Percy will go and take Sam somewhere safe from the monsters and-"

"Woah, hold on. Where Sam goes, I go," I implied.

Percy objected, "No! You have to stay here, getting more involved will be dangerous for you."

"In case you haven't noticed, Sam is not a fighter and her dad is hurt. Also, shouldn't we take Sam's dad to a hospital?!" I said as Mr. Stacy was by the kitchen counter, cleaning up his bruises and hits.

"I'll be fine, Estelle," He replied. "My main concern is for Sam's safety."

"Estelle, listen, I know your concern about Sam's safety," Percy intervened. "But you have to understand that this whole thing is-"

"I don't care!" I yelled. "Sure we just got attacked by a big pigeon and some giant hooded man. But that won't stop me from protecting Sam!"

Percy was about to object, but Annabeth intervened.

"Estelle, you have to understand, this is something that you must never be a part of."

"Why?! You think I won't accept the fact that supernatural creatures exist in the world?"

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