Sam Gets Her Epic Anime Moment

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Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.

So, at this moment, I'm pretty much useless. Because of my fever, I don't even have the strength to get up. So I have no choice but to watch my best friend hold on to her dying father. While that's happening, The Vulture was laughing sinisterly.

"Stop laughing, you freak!" I yelled in anger.

"Oh you foolish mortal. Can't you see? This is the curse of being a half-blood, no matter how much they struggle, the people they care and love are the ones that suffer."

Sam was trying to stop the bleeding, but it's not working. The wound was too big and too much blood was spilling. Mr. Stacy was dying and there's nothing we can do to stop it. At this moment, Mr. Stacy seems to be saying something to Sam, but he was too weak for me to hear it. The Vulture flies up in the air, ready to attack.

"Time to die, Halfblood!" She yelled.

As she swoops down, Percy suddenly flies out of nowhere and clashes with the harpy. They both fall to the ground. I hear Percy groaning in pain.

"Percy?!" I yelled.

"Should've known it was an ambush," He replied. "Where's Sam?"

I pointed towards the Stacy's, and as I did, Sam looked at me.

Her eyes say it all.

He's gone.

Percy notices her expression and curses in an ancient language. Then the Vulture pins Percy down from behind.

"You insolent brat!" She yelled. "Always getting in the way! Always ruining our plans and forcing us to hide in the shadows!"

Percy tries to escape from her grip but fails. The harpy claws out Percy's back. He screams in pain. I screamed out to him as I tried to get up; but once again, I was too weak to even move. I don't know why I'm getting this fever, but it's a really bad time to lose most of my strength!

"Time for you to die, Percy Jackson!" Vulture yelled.

Just as she was about to do the finishing blow on Percy, a bullet flew past her face, leaving a scar on her face. She grunts in pain and lets go of Percy.

"Who did that?!" She yelled.

We all looked at where the bullet was shot at, and we saw Sam holding her father's gun and the knife I had a while ago.

"You're fighting me, bird freak!" she yelled.

Vulture snarled at her, "You? How can a mere child hope to stand against... wait..." She squints her eyes as she takes a closer look at Sam, "Your eyes..."

I looked at Sam and saw what the Vulture was seeing. Sam's eyes were glowing. As I said before, Sam has gray colored eyes that are just full of curiosities and wonders. Now, they're glowing, shiny like silver but fueled by anger and sorrow. It's kinda like how Goku goes Super Saiyan; or Rose using her silver eyes; or... basically like how every anime character activates their powers for the first time.

"No matter!" The Vulture once again flies up and swoops down to attack Sam. However, Sam miraculously dodged her attack and slashed her talons with the knife. The harpy screeches in pain. Sam was being relentless, she was somehow dodging all of her attacks and was counter attacking with her knife. She wasn't using the gun, but I believe she was just saving ammo to finish off the Vulture.

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