Klaus Breaking his Curse

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Dakota's POV

As I look up at the moon, I know it's time for me to go see Klaus. Just as I go to leave, Serena appears. "What happened?" I ask taking in the state of her clothes and hair.

"Freed Caroline and Tyler with Damon, Dakota you can't go to Klaus" she tells me.

"I have no choice Serena, compelled remember" I remind her.

"He could use you" she states.

"He won't" I assure her. Though I have no idea if that's true or not. "Look go back to the others, protect our brothers. And I will see you at sunrise" I tell her. She nods her head and I hug her tightly. She then left and I went to the quarry. To see three rings of fire.

"Who's there?" someone asks.

"Me Greta" I state.

"You took your time" she states.

"I'm here, where's Klaus?" I ask.

"I'm here little Salvatore" he says as he joins us.  "Glad to know I still have two dance partners" he adds smiling at Greta and I. "Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?" he asks those trapped by the fire. I realize one is Jenna.

"What's Jenna doing here?" I ask confused.

"Punishment for Elena, Jenna will be my vampire sacrifice" he states. I nod my head. He heads over to Greta.

"Dakota, you've been working for him?" Elena asks me shocked.

"Yes and no, I do what I must to protect my family. A family you've endangered" I state.

"I never wanted anyone else to get hurt" she tells me.

"I know" I say as I look up at the moon. "It's about to start, I promise it'll be quick" I tell her and head over to the alter. As Klaus hands Greta the moonstone.

"I spent 500 years looking for this. I hate to part with it" he tells her. She smiles taking it and looks up at the sky.

"The moon has passed its apex. Remember everything you need to do?" she asks him.

"I remember" he assures her.

"Make it quick for them Klaus" I tell him.

"Of course little Salvatore" he says with a smile. Greta drops the moonstone into a stone bowl filled with flames. Sparks fly as the moonstone is destroyed. Greta begins chanting a spell in Latin. Klaus approaches the rings of fire. 

Jules still lies on the ground, moaning in pain, but looks up at Elena. "Everything I did...I was just trying to help Tyler" she says groaning in pain.

"Are you Jules?" Elena asks.

"I didn't want him to be alone!" Jules cries.

"He won't be" I assure her.

"Shall we?" Klaus asks her once he reached her circle of fire. The ring of fire around Jules disperses. Jules' eyes turn yellow and she uses her werewolf speed to rush at Klaus. Alas, Klaus gets the upper hand and pins Jules to the ground, plunging his hand into her chest and ripping out her heart. Jules takes a final breath, tears streaming down her face, and dies. Klaus breathes heavily as he holds the bloody heart in his hands. Elena and Jenna look on, horrified. While I keep my face blank.

Klaus heads over to Greta and I with the heart. Greta continues chanting a spell while Klaus holds Jules' heart over the ceremonial bowl, squeezing the blood into the flames. "Does that mean it's working?" he asks as sparks appears.

"It's working" she tells him with a smile. I notice Jenna and Elena having a heart to heart. I feel for them both and for Jeremy. He's about to lose his sister and aunt. Well maybe only one if Elijah's tonic works. Klaus heads over to them.

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