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March 24th 2010 (Mystic Falls) Dakota's POV

"I can't believe we're finally killing Katherine" I say almost giddy. Turns out Katherine has been alive all this time. She is in Mystic Falls after the Moon Stone.

"It's been a long time coming" Serena states. "Also tonight Elena shall no longer be a problem" she adds smiling.

"They take her tonight?" I ask.

"Yes, while everyone is distracted by Katherine. They'll take her" she tells me.

"Good, can this day get any better?" I ask her smiling.

"We shall see" she says as she pulls up outside our house. We get out of the car and see our twins. We rush over to our respective twins and hug them tightly. "I've missed you Damon" she tells him.

"And I have missed you both dear twin" he tells her.

"I have missed you Stefan, are you ready for tonight?" I ask him.

"Yes, it's been a long time coming" he states and I giggle. "What's so funny?" he asks me.

"Serena said the same thing" I tell him and he smiles.

"Remember we get the first hits" Serena reminds our brothers.

"Of course, but we get to kill her" Damon adds.

"You both had better not hesitate" I tell them.

"We won't" Stefan assures me.

"Dakota, we should get ready for the masquerade ball. After all it'll be in appropriate to arrive under dressed" Serena tells me. I nod my head and we go to her room to get ready. We're wearing matching dresses. Except hers is pearl white and mine is violet. With matching masks and shoes.

(Time skip)

We arrive at the the Lockwood mansion and are greeted by Tyler. "Dakota, I did not know you were back. Welcome" he says.

"Thank you Tyler, my sister and I would not miss this for the world" I tell him.

"I'm Serena Salvatore, Damon's twin sister and we love masquerade balls" Serena tells him.

"Well you both are welcome in, hope you both have fun" he tells us. We smile enter the house thanking him. I spot Katherine talking to Matt and grit my teeth.

"Patience sister" Serena tells me. She leads me upstairs to the room that had been prepared. "Our brothers should be here soon" she states handing me a stake. As she picks up a compressed air weapon.

Soon Damon arrives. "I wanted that" he tells Serena pouting.

"First come, first serve" she tells him.

"Where's Stefan?" I ask him.

"Dancing with Katherine" he answers and I grit my teeth. "It's all a part of the plan" he assures me. He gets a text and curses.

"What's wrong?" Serena asks him.

"Katherine killed a girl, no matter no one noticed" he states. "Stefan shall be here shortly" he tells us. We nod and wait for Stefan. He soon arrives.

"What did you do with the body?" I ask him.

"I put the body in the trunk for now" he answers.

"We'll dump her when we get back" Damon states and Serena nods her head in agreement.

"This is exactly what I didn't want it, Damon and Serena" Stefan tells them.

"Stefan, it's collateral damage" I tell him with Damon.

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