Return to Mystic Falls

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(Mystic Falls 1864) Third Persons POV

"I don't see why we all have to be here" Dakota grumbles. As she waits outside her home with her older sister Serena and twin brother Stefan. Damon is off at war.

"It is polite, stand up straight" Serena tells her as a carriage appears. Dakota straightens up putting a smile on her face. Katherine Pierce exits the carriage and observes him for a moment then Stefan approaches her.

"You must be Miss Pierce" he says holding a hand out to her.

"Please, call me Katherine" she says accepting his hand and curtsies. Serena and Dakota share a look. Both sense something off about Katherine, that she'll cause nothing but trouble.

"I am Stefan Salvatore, my older sister Serena" Stefan says and Serena steps forward.

"A pleasure Miss Pierce" she says with a curtsy.

"And my twin sister Dakota" Stefan finishes and Dakota steps forward.

"Welcome" she says politely.

"I thought there were four of you" Katherine says confused. "That's what the letter said" she states.

"That would be my twin brother Damon. He is away at war, but will be returning shortly for a holiday" Serena tells her.

"I look forward to meeting him" Katherina says with a smile. Stefan escorts her inside.

"I don't like her" Dakota tells Serena.

"Neither do I, something is off about her" Serena states.

"Should we tell father?" Dakota asks her.

"No, you know he will not do anything without hard proof" Serena tells her. "We will keep an eye on her though. Now it is time for our afternoon tea" she states. Dakota nods her head and they go inside to have their daily herbal tea.


"I can't believe they are coming back here" Dakota says as she and her sister look at the welcome to Mystic Falls sign. Since she and Serena became vampires a hundred and forty five years ago. They've stuck together. While trying to get their brothers to be friends again. But no luck. Damon enjoys making Stefan's life hell. No matter how much his sisters beg for him to let his anger go.

Dakota and Serena have not been back to Mystic Falls since they turned. Their brothers have, multiple times. But this is the first time for the girls. "Yes well, hopefully we can finally get through to them" Serena tells her.

"I still don't get why I have to go to school?" Dakota whines.

"Because Stefan is going to school. You work on your twin and I work on mine. Remember?" Serena asks her.

"I remember, but I hated school" Dakota reminds her.

"So did I" Serena states. "Now Stefan is already here, he has been here since spring according to Zach" she states. "School starts tomorrow, no getting into trouble or eating anyone. Only blood bags" she reminds her sister.

"I know the rules, I help you make them" Dakota states. Unlike her twin, she's not a ripper and can drink human blood without a problem. She and Serena tried the animal diet in the 30s. But both hated it. "Race you to the boarding house" she says and takes off. Serena rolls her eyes and races after her little sister. She beats her there and knocks on the door.

Zach opens the door and looks at them surprised. "Hello great nephew, we are Serena and Dakota Salvatore. May we come in?" Serena asks him. Stefan appears beside him.

"Dakota, Serena. This is a surprise, you both swore you'd never return to Mystic Falls" Stefan states. "They're ok Zach" he adds.

"Come in" Zach says reluctantly and the girls enter the house. Dakota hugs her twin.

"I missed you Stefan, Serena is being mean" she tells him with a pout. Serena rolls her eyes at her sister's behaviour.

"What's she done?" Stefan asks her.

"I enrolled her at the high school. You will be sharing classes together" Serena explains.

"What about you?" Stefan asks her.

"None of your business little brother" she tells him smugly.

"Which is my room?" Dakota asks Zach.

"This way" he says and leads the girls upstairs. Dakota made Stefan give her a piggy back ride. Not wanting to climb the stairs. Zach showed them each to a guest room next to each other with a shared bathroom. The girls thank him.

The three Salvatore siblings lounge in the parlor catching up. "Now you both have school tomorrow, so no staying up late" Serena tells Stefan and Dakota. Stefan nods his head. "By the way Stefan, Dakota and I are wondering why you have returned to Mystic Falls" she states.

"Yeah, why have you returned?" Dakota asks him curious.

"Her name is Elena Gilbert, she looks like Katherine. But isn't her, she's human. I just have to know her" Stefan tells them.

"Can we kill her?" Dakota asks Serena.

"Only if Stefan is wrong about her and she turns into Katherine 2.O" she states.

"She won't" Stefan assures them.

"I hope you are right Stefan" Serena tell him. Dakota nods her head in agreement. "Off to bed you two" she tells them. Stefan and Dakota go to their separate bedrooms. Serena's phone starts to ring. "Hello Damon" she says as she answers it.

"Hello Serena, I'm surprised you and Dakota returned to Mystic Falls" he states.

"Guess we were missing home. Though it is not complete without you here my dear twin" she tells him.

"Don't worry, I won't miss our baby brother and sister first day" he tells her. "So are you still on your mission to get me to like Stefan again?" he asks her.

"Depends, are you still intent on making his life hell?" she asks him.

"Yep" he says.

"Then Dakota and I are still trying to reunite you both. Your brothers Damon. You were best friends, until Katherine messed with your heads. She is dead, it is time you reunited with our little brother" she tells him. "See you soon" she adds before hanging up. Running a hand through her dark hair wishing her twin wasn't so stubborn.

(Dakota's bedroom)

Dakota is writing in her journal as she lays in her bed. Serena and I have returned to Mystic Falls after we swore never to return. She believes it's the only place our brothers can mend the bond between them. That Katherine broke 145 years ago. We know the risks for returning. But we had no choice, we want our old brothers back. At least for them not to hate each other anymore.

I have to go. I have school tomorrow *groan*. Serena can be so annoying sometimes, but she said I could get a pet if I went to school. So I agreed. I'll write again tomorrow.

(Stefan's bedroom)

Stefan sits on his bed in his room writing in his journal. For over a century, I have lived in secret; hiding in the shadows, alone in the world. Aside from my sisters. Until now. I am a vampire. And this is my story.

I shouldn't have come home. I'm surprised Serena and Dakota did. Anyway I know the risk. But I had no choice. I have to know her. I pray my sisters like her.


Picture above of the cover (Dakota on the left and Serena on the right with their day light necklaces). Picture on the external link of Stefan Salvatore.

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