Chapter Twenty

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It's like I had come into consciousness sitting up, on the edge of a bed covered in black silk

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It's like I had come into consciousness sitting up, on the edge of a bed covered in black silk. My hands absentmindedly stroke the silk as I look around, taking in my surroundings. The walls are a black and dark brown wood paneling, the floor is a thick dark gray carpet and the lighting is dim. Moody, yet comforting. The armoire and vanity against the wall to my left remind me of something Victorian with the curves of the legs and intricate carved designs in the sides. Moving my eyes right I stop a gasp at the base of my throat with my tongue pressed to the roof of my mouth.

The man standing there, no leaning languidly against the wall almost blends in with it. You know those vest in men's three pieces suits? He was wearing one of those, no button up shirt underneath, and black slacks that match the deep blackness of the vest. His skin is all pale white, most of its covered in solid black tattoos, they look almost like what Caine looks like on my arm. One arm was almost completely black, the other was only half way, fingers to elbow. The rest of the arm is lined in intricate geometric lines, all the way up onto his shoulder, disappearing under his vest.

My eyes slowly move up, if he was just going to continue to stand there letting me ogle him, I was.

His jawline is sharp, coming to his chin in a point, his cheeks hollow a bit before sloping up into high sharp cheekbones. And his eyes, slanted, with thick lashes and a thick amount of black liner. Love a man in black eyeliner. It was also his eyes, he wasn't far away from me, just a few steps and I could see his eyes are red. What's supposed to be white is black, then his iris's are a deep yet bright red. Like Ruby's glimmering as he watches me. His black hair I'm not sure how I'd describe, a mullet and a short mohawk had a baby. It's shaggy but purposefully placed so his hair comes to a point in the middle of his brows.

The room turns warmer, my skin prickling with the heat that slowly rises. His head turns slightly, as if hearing something and I notice the silver jewelry dangling from his pointed ear. A shiver runs down my back, not from fear, but from how fucking hot he was.

His full lips slowly creep into a small smile, like he could hear my thoughts. Or maybe he could just tell how turned on I was starting to get.

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