Chapter One

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Sitting in the bottom of the shower is something I have done countless times

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Sitting in the bottom of the shower is something I have done countless times. Letting hot water rush over me I reach back to turn the gauge one more centimeter to the left making the water run hotter. Steam had already coated the bathroom, showing just how long I had been in here and how long the hot water lasts. Moving back, I let the hot water beat against the back of my head, and down my back. Letting out a long sigh I put my head between my knees, just trying to clear my mind. Focus on the hot water and nothing else.

But I can't. Tonight I had pushed all my emotions to the side to be the Queen I was supposed to be. A position I don't think I'll ever be used to. I kept thinking about what happened tonight, everything from being at the club, being kidnapped and then killing Elizabeth. Actually, none of that seemed to bother me, the kidnapping had to happen and I understand that. Killing Elizabeth had to happen and I don't feel any guilt for it. It's what happened afterward. I had to kill off her Blood, and then I had to be a Queen and decide the fates of the other Queens. I could have just killed them, Bjorn said they were minor Queens and another powerful Queen might not have bothered with them. I didn't want to kill them just because I could, but I also had to take into account that if I let them go they would be telling other Queens that there is a Tyet still alive. I'm not sure if I want my name fully out there yet. I still needed to move to my nest. My place of safety.

Even though I was worried about it, I let them choose for themselves. They had hesitantly come with me, but without pledging to me. I told them they could have the night and then some time tomorrow, they would either take my blood, and become my sibling Queens or they could leave. I would stand by that.

I hear the bathroom door open and close, footsteps on the tile before the shower door is open. Bjorn stands there in just sweatpants, then he crouches to be more on my level. "I just wanted you to know everyone is settled in for the night."

The night is technically almost over but I get what he's saying. I give him a nod and he says. "The Queens are sharing the room upstairs, Rue is across from Tank. Nathan and Vinny are in their rooms and Caine is wandering, I don't think he's going to be resting for a while."

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