Chapter Twelve

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"Luna!" My shoulder is grabbed tightly and I'm lifted to a sitting position

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"Luna!" My shoulder is grabbed tightly and I'm lifted to a sitting position. Bjorn's arms wrap around me tightly as I slowly try to think through the fogginess. "Luna?"

"W-what?" I ask him, a headache starting and my mouth dry.

"You screamed in your sleep."

My brows furrow and I close my eyes trying to shut out anything unnecessary. The light coming through the window, the hum of noise from the electronics, it all seemed too much at that moment. Also, why did I scream?

The dream, it comes back to me and hits me light a freight train. Burying my face into Bjorn's chest I let out a groan. His hand goes to the back of my head and I feel his cheek on the top of my head, trying to comfort me as the headache pierces through my brain. He rubs my head with his fingertips, and it does help. "What was it?"

"Dream," I said then wait a few more seconds for the headache to lower in intensity. "Wasn't my dream walking. It was something else. It was the darkness near us, I don't know what it was, it was just creepy."

"Could have been a Fae, they are nosey." Bjorn says moving his hand down to my back to rub it. "They typically don't attack other supernaturals without reason, did it say anything?"

"Are you scared little rabbit? Will you run for me?'" I even try to use the deep whisper he spoke to me in. It makes Bjorn frown.

"What did it look like?"

"Deer skull, huge horns. I think it was a he, he had to be like seven feet tall." I shake my head. "He had gray skin, thin but muscle you could see it was odd."

Closing my eyes I force myself out, up into the sky to look around. If this guy was close by I wanted to be able to warn everyone. As I look out and feel out for that magic, I sense him. This time far north, maybe even farther than he was when I first felt the darkness. I stay there for a moment, just waiting. He doesn't move so I move myself back into my body and look at Bjorn.

"Do we need to worry?" He asks.

"He's not moving towards us from what I can tell." I tell him and shake my head. "Do you think we should be worried?"

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