Chapter 13 Lucas pov

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For Lucas it has been a month since Peyton and her husband Julian had bought Tric but also bought the building inside and area around Tric. He was shocked but was also surprised at first when Peyton had bought Tric because how could she afford it. Peyton told him that she got it a blood inheritance for her non- existence bio dad who helped gave the money to her. From what he knew the guy was the father of Peyton and Derek. He agreed to to follow his mom wish after finding out that Nate was doing the same with his mother who owned the other half of Tric. Peyton had bought Tric and change the place from inside out of the building. Lucas still liked the some of the small changes that she had made Tric.

Lucas had been spending time a building a Peyton and Julian trust after the custody agreement. That him and Peyton had made in which he could start being apart of his son life. The only thing was that Linsey could not be around Jordan. Linsey was not in town for the last month since she had been in New York. She is pounding him about getting pages. His first novel was popular but it it made 2,000 dollars overall. Lucas need new book satisfy the readers that he got for his first book to keep building up his fan base. He has not big following on social a author. He was not rich but was working as gym teacher and as a coach to pay the bills. He used the money that he was making from teaching job to to child support for Jordan. Lucas has been focus being their for Jordan and Jamie. He has been teaching the boys the basketball game and playing video game. He would bring Skill and Nathan to the river court to spend time together with Jordan and Jamie. 

Lucas had got one night a week in which Jordan would stay at his house now until Jordan get older and can chose if he want spend more night his home. Lucas had gotten change his mom Karen room and turned it into a young boys Jordan's room with super hero and a basket ball  net on the back of the door but sport posters on Jordan walls. Lucas would take Jordan to school on Monday in which Peyton or Julian have been picking him up after daycare. Lucas was working on being better father and a better man for his son to look up to. For Lucas have his son named after his uncle Keith was special to him because his son would always behave name of someone he had love but show how much care to him a child and as a teenager falling in love for the first time. Peyton did my chosen their son name. that would make Luke happy. Lucas knew that his love would never change and he would always want to be her friend finding. After find out about his son because he did not what to upset his son. Peyton had always been their for their child when he was not there. Lucas had regrets after he meet Jordan for the first time because he had left and ran of to meet Linsey and should have stayed by Peyton  side. Lucas would have regret losing Peyton not being for his son for  the first- three year of his son life. Lucas, Brooke,Peyton and Julian have been have brunch in which they come together for Jordan. Nate and Haley would come to some of the brunches. Lucas had notice that after Peyton bought Tric and he had went to the studio to see that his friend Haley was starting to spend more time together Peyton. Haley and Peyton were spent time together just the two without their kids. But Peyton, Haley and Brooke have been spending time together outside work and hangout together at least once a week.  

Lucas learned that Peyton had been working multiple  part time jobs to pay the bill until the music studio will be racking in the money in the future but that would be a while. Lucas learned that Julian was taking on new project that would take place in North Carolina so he could his. family. Lucas has respect for Julian about being a father figure to Jordan. Lucas came to admire that Jordan had dad like Julian who be there every-step of the way for Jordan and his own son Alex. He also learn that we're Julian when to college got his degree for film and television degree but  keeps on building his knowledge even after college by taking classes and reading books. He could see that Peyton chose a better man then him even if he did not want to admit to himself or to anyone else.

Lucas had only visited Peyton once at the studio when first got started. He ask Peyton why she did not come to the book signing. Peyton was hesitant at first but told him that she went to go to see Lucas after a long time not see him. She told about see him with Lindsay and assumed they were dating. She did not tell him the truth that she actually went to the book to come and confront him about the voice mail that he left her in his drunken haste in which he cursed her and side say thing to her on the call. He might have hear the voice mail about him have a son and birth of his child that he never showed up for ad all unlike dad Dan who had  come home. He saw  Karen after the birth of Lucas in which Karen and Keith were the ones to welcome Lucas in the world.

For him he would never get to meet his child as a baby because of his own stupidity. He was sitting on top of the roof with Haley. Jamie was being watch nanny Deb in which Nate hired his mom on one condition that she does drink or do drugs while or after being in their house. Haley was telling him about Her day at the studio in which Peyton and her were helping Mia with the melody of a song. But listen to his friend. Haley and him had conversion about his relationship and who is in his heart He knew a idiot for leaving Peyton ever though at the time she did not flat out reject his proposal. Lucas had kept the ring for Peyton safe keeping for Jordan because it would alway belong to Peyton in his heart. He could give her  closest thing to Peyton wearing the ring is Jordan someday to to his love. Luke decide that if he  would decide to propose to Lindsay or anyone else he would use a different ring. Lucas had told Haley about the ring in which she said Keith ring should go to Jordan because he thing about he is closest thing to Keith because he literally has Keith name or to to sister groom to propose to her with because symbol of her parent love. Haley agree what Lucas said. Lucas and Haley talk about how Deb was doing as their nanny in which Jamie is called her nanny Deb instead of grandma. Haley and Lucas talk about him working on a anther book. Haley did not show any sense of friend or anything when Lucas talk about Linsey as his girlfriend or as editor. Haley only like her a bit as his editor.

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