Chapter 5

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Julian woke up at seven in the morning and decided to get out of bed and get ready in the morning before waking up his wife. Julian got 15 minutes to get ready in the morning. When Julian walked out of the closet inside his wife was still asleep and decided to get her on the head and wake her up that way. Julian went to his wife's side of the bed and gave her a kiss on the head. Payton woke up after feeling that her husband was waking her up. Payton got up after Julian stood up straight moving out of her way so she could get up. Julian said " Good morning baby, it's time to get ready for the day. We have to help Brooke move into her house and look over the spaces where we're gonna set up the music studio and the film studio." Peyton says "Julian , let me get up and get dressed and brush my teeth before we go to Brooks house. Do you wanna make breakfast for the four of us?" Julian says " I'll make breakfast for the four of us. I'll wake up Jordan this morning while you can get Sam this morning."

After getting ready in the morning Peyton goes to Alex's room to see that he was still asleep. Peyton picks up Alex and puts him on her chest. Peyton walks downstairs to see that Jordan is sitting on the couch watching the TV while Julian cooks. Peyton puts Alex in his playpen while she goes into the kitchen to help Julian finish up breakfast. Julian is making pancake eggs for breakfast and watching the sausage cook while he's in the kitchen. He says that Payton is in the kitchen with him. Julian asks "Peyton can you flip over the sausage?" Peyton says " sure, I'll flip over their sausage. Well the sausage is still cooking. I'll set up the table." Peyton flipped over the sausage then went to the cabinet and grabbed four plates and brought it over to the table. Peyton then goes to the cabinet and grabs 2 cups while grabbing two sippy cups. Peyton fields Sam's sippy cup with whole milk. Peyton puts Jordan's water in a non spill cup. Peyton also puts forks and knives on the table. Peyton gives the kids kids forks and knives while she gets the adults the adult version of forks and knives. Peyton went back in the kitchen to help her husband finish cooking breakfast. Peyton turned off the stove that had the sausage on it. Peyton got a plate for the sausage. Peyton uses the tongs to pick up the five pieces of sausage. When Peyton was done putting the sausages on the plate Julian already finished putting all the pancakes on the plate and went to the table. Julian went to grab the kids. Julian still saw that Jordan was still sitting in the living room watching the TV while Sam was in his playpen playing with a couple of his toys. Julian went to Alex's playpen and picked him up then walked over to Jordan. Julian got the TV room remote off the couch, turned off the TV and said "Jordan it's time for breakfast. Then after breakfast we're going to Aunt Brooke place to help her move in with Uncle Lance's help. Julian walked into the living room to see that his wife already had everything at the table with water and everything else. Peyton walked up towards Jordan and helped him and helped him into his seat. Well Peyton was helping Jordan, Julian went to Sam's high chair and put Alex in his high chair which had some food for Alex to eat. Then Julian and Peyton sat down after helping both kids into their chairs and started eating.

After breakfast is done. Peyton took Jordan to wash his hands in the bathroom before going outside again. Peyton then picked up Alex and carried him to the bathroom and cleaned him up. Julian was cleaning up the table and washing up the dishes while Peyton was with the kids. When Peyton was done with the kids. She decided to get the diaper bag ready and some of the toys that she would bring to entertain the kids. Jordan helped his mom with getting the diaper bag ready and getting some of the toys he wanted to bring to Aunt Brooke's house. When the family was done running ready, Julian took the keys and the diaper bag that Peyton had and put it on his shoulder before heading out with Jordan with him. Julian opened up the backseat car and put the diaper bag on the ground where the kids feet would be. Julian helped Jordan into the car and buckled him up. Peyton headed out after checking the house and checking that she had Sam on her. Peyton also decided to grab the stroller for Alex if she needed it. Peyton put the stroller into the car after getting Alex in the car and buckling him up. By the time Peyton was done putting the stroller into the car and closing the trunk Julian already locked the house. Julian got into the driver's side while Peyton got into the passenger seat of the car. Peyton gave Julian the address for Brooke's house. After leaving the garage Peyton, close the garage by clicking the garage door button.

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