Chapter 4

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When the Baker family gets to James-Scott house they ring the doorbell. Peyton had her purse and backpack full of information about what has happened in about the last five years in her hand. Lance held Jordan while Julian held the infant son Sam in his arms. When Haley opens the door to see a grown up Peyton and two grown men with her holding babies. Haley allows Peyton and the boys into the living room. Peyton sees that Nate is in a wheelchair and a little boy on the couch that is probably Jamie. Haley allows Peyton and the boys to sit on the couch. Peyton says "I have a lot of explaining to do. I want to start off Haley and Nathan. Can you guys not cut me off during my story because it is not a story I want to repeat again." Haley and Nate nod to Peyton and Haley tells Jamie to sit while Peyton explains.

Peyton says " My story starts when Lucas can to Los Angeles shortly after he and Nathan lead Gilmore College to the national basketball championship. He asked spend time with meet met me at work and surprises. He ask me to dinner  I said yes but spent he night in the hotel room call work saying go and Lucas said in the room while at work. Lucas was wait for me to get back to propose with the ring but fell asleep found the ring. When Lucas woke up, I was sitting on the couch with the ring. While he was searching for the ring that Keith gave to Keren, I had it in my hands. Lucas tried to propose but I said we should wait it. I felt that Lucas was trying to rush us down the aisle young have whole lives head of us. I felt that we were going to feel trapped when we were young. I know that may be because he wants to be with me and is trying me on. I wanted to wait until we were a bit older but he did not. Because we should wait to bail on me the next morning leaving me with a note saying that he had left. I went back to work the day after the breakup and met Julian , the man next to me, holding a 1 year old in his arms. I met work the next day by the printer and tried make joke. When he met me was not at best when I was not good mood was crying  Me & Luke broken up. He introduced himself to me I was not in best of shape. I was not the nicest to him, it is funny to me that I met the father of my children when it not he best time for me. I met first time really when my car stopped working and my boyfriend Nate at the time did not pick me up after almost getting car towed by his not known brother Lucas  at the time drive me back to the garage. Back to the story, Julian was there as a friend and he became a support system because most of the time I could not talk to Derek or Larry adopt dad when we're not home. When I found out I was pregnant I called Lucas and left him a voicemail that we needed 2 months after the hotel. I found out I was pregnant. I wrote in a journal about my pregnancy. When I was at the hospital December 5 ,2008 because I gave birth to a son named Jordan Keith Scott. In the hospital room was Brooke Davis my best friend. Julian was there as a friend during my pregnancy with my son. I call him and Lindsay pick left messages which told him I was pregnant  and that he was the father of Jordan. I told tell her tell Lucas to call me about our son and her no and we're I guess she told him he want nothing do with Jordan or she never told him .  I got a call from Luke out of the blue asking to go to the book I did. Lukas never ask about his son because he did no or did but did not care about his own kid. I ask Brooke to watch him.I already had our son who was 6 months old at the time. When I went to his book signing kissing Linsey at his book signing who was his editor. I was crushed emotionally and decided to keep Jordan to myself because I clearly did not want me and did not want to know about our kid over voice mail sent him or did not try to call me. I assume Lindsay never told him because he would have left to met his son or did not care like father. After leaving the book signing I kept running into Julian again and again then we started dating. Me and Julian fell in love , moved in together and later got married. I told Julian what the book Ravens was and what it meant to me. Julian was supportive i let son listen to the book or read to him to him so he has idea who his biological father is. Me and Julian alway visited Brooke during the summer and on holiday. Sometimes she came to us.  Me and Julian both decide not to let stay lone with her biological mother Victoria for to long. We went see her ever four to six months in person and for two week while doing collage online  because want, Bachelor of Music in the Music Production, audio Engineering and business degree ,while working. My dad says that I had lot of the money that was in my college funds and and anther account for me were set up by Ellie and my biological father. I have been investing that money, so I make more money to for the  Both mine and Julian sons college savings. The money that my partner saved for me help my dad pay for collage while I had Jordan. I need to get over Lucas because my dad one of the people that  help put me though school while working at a job. I decide go into getting a music degrees because two albums helped made in high school and actually in joyed making. Julian was there as a father figure to Jordan when he was born. When I kept the raven book he understood that the book was for my Jordan to know what his father was like. By the time Julian decided to propose, every way out was in the air between the two of us. We decided to marry in the summer on June 5, 2009. The people at my wedding were Julian 's mom Sylvia, My adopted dad Larry, My brother Derek, sometimes took a way to be at my wedding, some of our friends, and Jordan. I asked Derek to walk me down the aisle and he did. On my wedding day to Julian , I didn't feel like it was a rush to get married or felt that I was in a trap. The one person I couldn't live without and who was my maid of honor at that wedding was Brooke. Brooke made my wedding dress. I asked Nathan to be godparents to my child Jordan Keith Scott? Nathan knew about the child since I called him while I was six months pregnant. Nate has met his nephew Jordan in person when he was two months old and kept it a secret until know from you Haley and his brother Lucas since decided he did not care. Two months after mine and Julian 's wedding I decided I would change my son's Jordan legal last name to Scott-Baker. Julian and I have a one year old son together named Alexander  Derek Baker a year after our wedding. Alex was born October 3 ,2009. Julian is a good father to both Alex and Jordan. Julian treats Jordan as his own biological child. Jordan is 3 years old and Alexander  is 1 old. I came back to tell everyone the truth about what actually happened to me and Lucas. I loved him, but he left me in the hotel room alone and unknowingly got me pregnant. I put my son Jordan first. The boy that is older and sitting right to me is Jordan Scott, the man that Jordan is sitting on Lance. " After Peyton told her story to the family, the Scott's family were all shocked to say the least.

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