Chapter 11

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During the week Peyton and Julian found a daycare in town. Julian had talk with the network that he worked on about The Jungle River.  The show got the green light from the network. They were look for a new kids show. Julian had called Lance and told him the news. Julian ask Lance if he was busy working on another project. Lance told him that he had just finished up his movie Boys And Rebels. Lance was waiting for the movie to premiere in two months in theater. Lance says he would love to work on another movie. Peyton had working at tric and find a act that she wanted to used it was Jason Federline and his band. Peyton was talk to Haley who want to help work at the studio in her free time for herself.  Peyton had been working at her home office with kids in the room while she was doing some graphic design she had do for Brooke who was paying for her designs. Peyton had gotten a call from Karen about buying tricks from her and Deb because Peyton would be living there. Karen also thought that would be a good idea because for Peyton to buy the place because tricks was started by her and Karen and 2004 Peyton use some of the money that she had gotten is her inherent to buy Tric back. Julian agreed that Peyton buying Tric from Karen if Karen wasn't coming back to tree hill for a long while. Peyton and Julian signed the papers yesterday in which she got full ownership of the bar and nightclub, including the studio space. Lucas and Nathan was the one that helped Peyton with giving her the papers that their mother had sent over for her to take ownership. He knew he would support his ex because now with her new venture, while honoring his mother's wishes, and he also was working with Peyton to see their son. She was going to use the money to help fund, paying for tric and the studio that she was creating. Payton also got a couple of postcard from Karen  and Lily with Andy who is Karen boyfriend. 

While at home for the weekend during late evening, Peyton had been working on getting studio supplies and spending night at Tric. After getting the girl Molly that owned her old house to babysit Jordan and Alexander while Peyton and Julian went to trics. Peyton want to spent the night with her friends Brooke and Haley. Julian was talking to the guys Marvin McFadden, Skill Taylor, Nathan Scott, Lucas Scott, and some of the other boys. 

Peyton talk to Brooke  and Haley about their lives other then the kids that they had at home. Peyton ask Haley if she had some free time she could come to the studio hear the  band on stage again. Peyton was going to was going to start on construction in two weeks. Peyton new that the two studio would be done with in at leat least two to for week after they start. Peyton was planned on have at least six sound studio a music room that going to have music instruments. Peyton was also going to make money buy having at least two art and design room inside. Haley says "Peyton I can make the time this week to come see the studio. Peyton asked about how was work going."  Haley say I just got my teaching license in which I am a professional English teacher now. Peyton ,what have you been doing for the last 3 years." Peyton says "I just graduated from the University of Los Angeles Music and Art School. Brooke and Julian were at my graduation with the kids last summer. I got a Music degree with a art with graphic and Marketing minor. On top of the sire records Sire Records.  But this past week, I have been working with Karen and Deb on buying Tric here from them. I now own the building, and Tric the all ages club now.  I'm in the market this place as a music Place and as also as a nightclub. But I also thought about using this place for for people to hangout with people. They have an area where people who have kids can Spend the night with their kids here not in the night club area. Healey says " that's great now you own Tric. I think it was a good idea for you to own tric  debs drinking pass, and Karen not being here. I think it's good to have someone who owns the place to be here.  It's a good idea that you're in the club because you are the one that help Karen come up with this place.  I think that it's great that you are starting a new studio space here. I am willing to work with you on creating the studio. I think it's one of the best ideas you have come up with Payton. Cause I know Deb drinking problem and Dan not being the best at being a parent and failing both of his kids." Peyton says "l also had my share of in-law problems because of Julian's dad Paul Norris Had tried to spread rumors about Julian cheating on me. I confronted Julian about the problem and asked him for the truth, and he told me that he didn't do any cheating and I asked him to prove it. After I got the proof, he didn't cheat we found out his dad was the one who's making up these rumors to sabotage us as a couple. Julian decide after his dad tried but failed to spread rumors , Julian told his dad if he try to sabotage our relationship ever again he will not ever see his grandson Alexander if he spread rumors about his son of cheating on his  daughter in law or the other way around. Me and Julian got past that. We did not invite him to our wedding." Brooke was surprised what Peyton said because Peyton had not told her that her father in law did not treat Peyton and Julian right because he tried to break them up but did not work. Brooke say "P. You hand not told me that Paul start rumors and tried to break you two up even if you and husband are so cute together. You also didn't tell me about you buying Tric this week. Sorry P" Peyton says " I did not want to put anymore pressure on your about my life in LA while dealing with your mom. But Me and Julian came and visited you last summer with the kids who had love spend time with their aunt Brooke. You were busy opening up your new clothes over bros while I was trying to buy Tric to make income until also help my mother-in-law, not by marriage, but by blood. Because Karen will always be another mother to me, and that she is my sons grandmother." Brooke gave her a hug then took a swig of alcohol. Peyton had not drank because she had two kids at home and she was the silver driver between the three of them. Peyton told "Haley about her job as a graphic designer that she has been doing on the side to make money before quitting her job at Sire Records. She using the money to support Jordan when he was born. After her boss was made scared that I was going to take his job he fired me. i used the graph design support her family with their everyday need.

Haley could understand what Peyton was going through because ever since Nate got into wheelchair . She has single parent raising her son alone while husband had gotten drunk last couple of months. She has using her assisted teacher money to pay the bill. Haley says "Nathan, has been getting better he has been getting of the couch and now is going out into the world and not drinking. Peyton you have really help Nate getting back into shape after speech to him. He has been going to physical therapist to get Movement back feet. After push himself in to the water. He told me that he got up survive of the water without help. He got back into being a husband and father without basketball in his life. He has finally allow Jamie to play basketball in backyard. Haley has gotten a  fence on the pool just in case, if the ball lands in the pool." Peyton was happy that Nathan was pushing himself to be a better man. Peyton say " I think my talk was successful  in which he decide not to be selfish  but to be a husband and father for the two people he loves most." Peyton also talked about her inheritance and what she was using it for. She talk bout her job and what she does for a improve to help her husband. Peyton some of her inheritance to buy that her and Julian house. Peyton would use her graphic design and art skills to help her with making logo for album cover. For right now she has been working from home as graphic design working on design different things to get music out their so people could buy. Peyton had design logo for band, logo for shirt, sticker to put on  people bag , car, and many other thing. Peyton has been making lot of money for the past two year. Peyton her expand knowledge to help and keep on talk online class to get her master degree. With the money that was coming in from tricks, Peyton would be using that money to pay for her Graduate school and paying for the kids. She's also be paying for her music studio. Peyton had gotten a financial advisor to help with the money that was coming in from Tric, and to pay the workers that were working at Tric. Peyton was working on getting security for under age drinking. She would have to go through and look at applicants to help prevent under age drinking at the bar and nightclub.Brook was flirting with the bartender Owen who is serving them.

While all the guy were quizzing Julian about his relationship with Peyton. In the conversation. He told the guys they Peyton had graduated form university of Los Angeles Music and Art School. He talk about his family, his career and about the kids. The guys talk about collage, sport and other guy thing though out the night and each of their story in college because not all of them went to college together. Everyone talk and drank. Nathan, Lucas,Skill, and Julian all did not drink. Lucas fond out more about Peyton's husband but could not say bad word about him because he stepped up when Lucas was being a ass to Peyton. Nate actually really like Julian and could see why Peyton would fall for him because he was good looking and handsome. He was great listener and could have fun with people but took responsibility.All the guy like Julian and want his to join the group. Skill gave him a working about if he ever breaks Peyton heart and what he would to to him. Julian could see why his wife life her high school friends.

The girls all talk and have fun when it was past 10 everyone that had kids left to go home. Peyton and Julian got into their car picked up their kids from Molly. Peyton giving  50 bucks for watch and feeding both kids. Peyton said thanks you. Julian and Peyton put their kids in the car before heading home. Once they got home Peyton took Jordan while Julian got Alexander ready for bed. The two showered the kids before butting them in their pajamas and putting them to bed. Julian put Jordan before reading him story before kissing him goodnight. Peyton did the same Alex before putting  him in the nursery in which she left with the baby monitor. Peyton and Julian switch off went to the kid they did not put to bed and gave them a kiss good night. Peyton went to her art studio before bed and worked on a design for Brooke before showering and falling asleep in her husbands arms.

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