Chapter 12

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It has been months since the Peyton has bought Tric. 

The construction of the new studios has already started two weeks. Peyton and Julian have been hiring at least 7 people  as  security at Tric for at least for underage drinking. Peyton and Julian had run a back round check on of of those who were working at Tric. The first recording studio getting done. Peyton had gotten to work with Jason and his band. Peyton has show her music credential  which got Jason to sign with her. Peyton had at least the music room set with the 30 instruments inside. Peyton had put a lock on the room when she leaves. Peyton was at least 40 hours week to set up the studio that would be done with in 3 to five months. Peyton had been working with Jason band. Peyton has seen that Jason was late to the studio more then couple of time and Haley was starting to get mad. 

Peyton though Jason heart of the band and he wasting other people time and money. Peyton had a talk with him about him being to be late. With in the first months Haley discover the keyboard singer Mia had was Jason band was talented. Peyton gave her a change with Haley help. Haley had fired Jason who had left with other band mate out of Peyton studio. Peyton has been in the studio working on writing her emotions down into lyrics but also into her drawing.  Peyton has been working with Mia with Haley help. Peyton had also discovered a 18 year old name Tyler  would could sing and play the guitar at tric and gave him a chance. Peyton has been work with on both Mia and Tyler  while in the office. Peyton was using a college friend to help market Mia first song when come out. Peyton and Haley had been working together on producing Mia album.

Peyton was working on graphic design for Tyler  and Mia to show when they start to get fans. Peyton was also working on scratch of Art for her graph design got redesign logo and showing to other asking what their options on it was. Peyton spent everyday with her husband and kids. Peyton had come up with a legal  agreement  for now on custody of Jordan in which Jordan would live with is mom every day but Sunday in which Lucas would have the day. When Lucas had him, Lucas could not bring Lindsay around Jordan do to Peyton wishes. They also agree on if Peyton or Lucas could not run away with Jordan with out other one knowing. Lucas had agree to Peyton terms and legal documents. Peyton and Julian would spend the day with the kids going to park and outdoor event in tree hill. Peyton was having fun spent with her old friends. 

Peyton had Julian watch Jordan and Alex while Fergie was babysitting Jamie. Peyton had made sure that Brooke and Haley told what actually happened with Lindsay and why Peyton hated her. Haley could understand why Peyton did not want Linsey around her son because what Linsey did was not right for Peyton or to Jordan. Peyton also showed the DNA test of Lucas and Jordan but Lindsey still shut door in my face. For Haley she wasn't sure what to think about Lindsay after finding out what Lindsay did to Jordan. She wasn't sure if she could trust Lucas or Lindsay, even though this was her best friend. She always thought Lucas and Peyton would end up together from what Healey saw that day, talking to Payton in the studio she wasn't sure if she could trust Lindsay anymore. Haley knew that from watch how described Lucas. She knew that she would have to help her friends. One night Peyton texted all her friends to go to Tric and meet in the back room. Peyton made it back room in the back of tric where people could talk and drink. Inside the room was Peyton, Haley ,Nathan, Brooke, and Some of the  friends supported Peyton after hearing Peyton and brooke voice mails to Lucas.  Peyton showed the DNA if prove he is Lucas son. They also headed  the voice mail that both Lindsay and Lucas did. Nate could see a piece Dan Scott in his brother Lucas but hope, he his  his brother could become father  for his son Jordan. Haley could see why Peyton was angry at Lindsay after find out the truth. The group could understand Payton's point of you. Peyton told her friends that she had bought tric building, and also owned tric the bar/night club. Peyton said she bought it from Karen and from Deb. Peyton heard all of their story out, what has been on with all of them.  Before going home to her kids ,Peyton went to her old house took a picture of the old door that was important to her in past.Peyton thank molly reminding her of the past in which had good bad memory for her. Peyton told  girl Molly paint over it and write on until you leave this house that you made memory at. After say goodbye to Molly headed home.

Peyton had spent time with Nate in which he was not dependent on the wheelchair but use crutches. Peyton could see that Nate was change. Peyton was happy for Haley. Peyton and Haley have gotten closer. Haley really liked Julian and got to know him. He began to really like Julian could see that Julian had made Peyton life better and happier. Haley could see that Jamie was having lot of fun spending time with his cousin because he had someone around his age. Nathan has been taking Jordan and Jamie to the basket ball court after going to see Dan and not mentioning Jordan because he did not his father to ever meet his nephew, who was also his god son. He remembers tell Jamie that Dan was dead. He had swallowed his friend to secrets around Jamie or Jordan because he give the kids nightmare. Nate told Luke about visiting dan in prison. Lucas was not happy about Nate visiting dan in prison after kill Keith. Nate and Haley have hosted sleepover in which Jordan would stay at their house or the other way around in which Peyton and Julian or Lucas if their was no Linsey. 

Peyton has been working hard and made good income $27,500 month after paying everyone at tric Peyton that for herself. Peyton was making $8,000 as graphic designer. Peyton has been using that money to pay monthly bills, food, everyday needs. Peyton and Julian made good month of to live at their house. Peyton and Julian pay the bill together on top of the child support that she was form Lucas.  Julian was also making money which helped them to at least 30 thousand month with both their incomes together. Julian had been working script but working on casting for the past month. He found actors who were will take on the parts. He had to find some time in the  area in North Carolina to fined his his show. He a deal going to get the actors with their families to come stay in apartment for the next 3 months. The filming would be starting in two months.

Peyton was so I love with her husband in which Brooke would take Alex with her while Peyton and Julian when on date on Sunday night. Peyton had her husband had disagree but worked their disagreement out with each other. Julian started to hangout with the guys at the basketball court with the kids. Julian was having fun making new friends. 

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