Chapter 8

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After the movie was done. Peyton decided that she would text Lucas about having a meeting with her and her husband about how to raise Jordan so that Jordan could have his biological father in his life. She wrote "Hi Lucas, remember the basketball court where you got to meet your son for the first time. Me and my husband want to have a meeting with you about how to raise Jordan. I would like to have a meeting with you but I am going to ask Brooke to watch the kids." Peyton went to her office at home. Peyton went to go look at her account of money that have  been set up for her since her birth. After finding out her biological father left her money in which her mother Ellie had write about it but also told her about Derek. Peyton was surprised when she first found out that her biological father left her millions of dollar for her to accounts that she can access when  she was eighteen. Larry and Anna knew about the trust fund that her biological father left for her.  Larry and Anna invest a million dollars into a lot of different accounts to help grow the money so that Peyton would have more then enough money. Peyton originally got 10 million but her biological father kept putting in money for his daughter Peyton and son Derek accounts if they ever want use the money or give to their children in the future. Peyton didn't know why her biological father gave her and her biological brother money for them. But in his head, Mick knew that, instead of letting his drinking take all his money, he decided to give most of it, or all of his money to his kids, that he didn't race. He started a fund for both of them in which he put money aside for each of them for their future, in which they could use it for anything. He didn't want to use it for his drinking, in which it would just make him more of an alcoholic than anything. Peyton was planning use the money to help set up  her new music studio place with equipment and the studio reconstruction. Peyton had help investing her money in to different accounts to let it grow slowly and make more money in the future. Peyton had used the money for her college and to buy the house her and Julian living in. Peyton looked at the sheets to see that the money was slowly growing. She had her financial team to help her, make her investments along with her dad, Larry's help. Peyton also started to pay bills for for the house and the credit car and other thing that they needed. Peyton put in money for both Alex and Jordan for their future.

While Peyton was in her offices Julian was in his offices looking over a books scrip and movie scrip he want to see if he want take the project on. He read over at least two booked script. The Jungle River. It was story story kids who travel through the jungle and look for next new discovery. The are searching  find treasure. Both the kids were taking a nap while parents were doing what need to to to make money. Julian had read over the book that Lucas Scott as writen over Tree Hill but decide to wait until his son was older. Julian love both of his kids. He and Peyton have a library in their full of books and music sorted. He has seen Peyton collection of music but understand that music was in her bones. Peyton show him lot of the song of band and musical artist to Listen to. She had broaden his music taste while she was getting more into movie. They were both growing together. They were both expanding their interest into worlds.

Peyton and Julian worked for hour and a half before the kids woke up in the morning. Peyton working on getting a construction team to come build for her art and music studio studio at Trix. She had been working on getting a deal.  The deal that she got was that they would build three recording studio spaces with at least four office inside but also art and graphic design space their. Peyton got to 2 studio place  back of Trix. The construction team could start work in two week if Peyton got all the paper she needed signed.  Peyton new she would need to talk to both Brooke and Haley about it.  Peyton was done making the calls to the girls. Brooke bought the old Karen Cafa while Haley are you was working at tree hill, high as an English teacher. 

After the calls Peyton  came down stairs to the kitchen to that his were not in their. One was done she looked at the time to go get the kids. Peyton when in the kitchen to see that Jordan was sitting on couch with the tv on watch cartoons. Peyton went and started to cook breakfast. While Peyton was making breakfast Julian was finish read a chapter a scrip before putting a sticky not and closing the scrip. Julian  went in the kitchen to see what his wife was doing to that she was cooking and also saw that Jordan was on the couch in living rooms. Julian said "Good morning Jordan" Jordan says "Good Morning Dad"  Julian noice that  Alex was not down stairs so he decided to check on him. Julian when to his bedroom to Alex was on his side sleeping. Julian decide that he would bring  Alex down  and place on his chest so he could see before breakfast.  Julian held Alex to his chest before going done starts with him in is arm and with Alex holding on to Julian. When he he got down stair he saw that Peyton was cooking but could not because he holds Alex in his arms. He sat on the couch with I'm while Peyton cooked. Julian told Jordan's to het the cups when Peyton was almost making breakfast. Jordan go the drink while Julian waking up sleepy Alex. Julian place Alex in his high chair before help Peyton with the food. Peyton and Julian put breakfast on the table after checking everything was off.   Peyton and Julian served the kid before serving themself. The family ate breakfast and got dreamy for the day. Peyton  was getting her planned read and had to go over them with Haley when she had a break. But Peyton had to check on Nathan today to see how he was doing. Peyton was going to let the kids spend time with Brooke while she 2nd to see Nate today. Julian was going to look at couple of place that Lucas Scott has written about in the book called Raven. Both Peyton and Julian are going to have eventful day. Peyton would start out with the kids then Brooke would  have in the middle of day by the end of Julian would take the kids from Brooke. 

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