You still love me right

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Sam's pov

I was so happy and at the same time so sad we soon got to the house and I got out and colby got the dog " thank you mom and dad" I said before closing the door walking up to the door I looked at colby with the dog and felt so bad how I reacted sooner I was really sorry I just walked to him hugging him super tight he chuckled a bit "I really love you" I mumbled against his chest "I love you more baby" but for now let's get dirty boy over here a bath okay " I nodded getting a towel I walked in the bath seeing colby at the tuo and the dog in it" have you thought about a name for him "he ask making me gasp no but how about" cinnamon "I ask he looked at the dog and he licked his face" uiiii "colby said wiping his face making me laugh" ohh come on he loves you I say yeah it looked like it and I love the name he said turning the water on not to strong and hot I put the water on him making his nervos so I set on the ground petting his hand "your such a good boy cinnamon you are okay" I said he set down letting colby wash him "damn the water is dirty Jesus" colby mumbled soon he was done and colby lifted him out off the bath and I put the towel over him rubbing him try that's when our doorbell was ringing " I go colby said" soon I was done letting him go he jumped on my dad making him almost fall "cinnamon come here" I said laughing "ohh you named him that's such a cute name" my mom said petting him "so we have try and wet food bc we don't know what he eats water and foit bowls and a fluffy blue bed and his collar and leash we got him the one with clover leaf bc he is a lucky boy my mom said cinnamon licking her hand while I was putting the stuff away and laying his bed in the floor I food at colby he was on his phone the whole time making me very curious but of course I trust him "we had back home some" my dad said okay do that and thank you so much for your help " I said yeah from me to colby said" no problem boys called if you need anything alright " my dad said walking to the door okay bye I said turning around I see cinnamon in his new back rolling from side to side bc he is still a bit wet making me giggle I then get to colby in the kitchen who is filling up his food and water bowl I wrappe my arms around around him pressing my stomach to his back and my head between his shoulder blades he chuckled "are you okay baby" he ask yeah I'm okay I said let me put his bowls down real quick then we can cuddle if you want he said making me nod I let go off him and he walks over putting the bowls down "cinnamon eat slow" colby said chuckling I set on the couch waiting for colby he turned and walked slowly to me I stand up so colby can lay down he put he feet up sighing softly "feel good" I ask yeah my feet are pounding "but come here" I lay down on his between his legs my head in his neck he put one arm around me and the other softly run over my back under my shirt making me relaxed I closed my eyes just listen to colby's heart beat "I love you" I heard befor falling asleep

I woke up to cinnamon licking my face making me giggle softly I looked around seeing colby no longer with me he was now standing in kitchen without a shirt on making something to eat it looks and smells like I slowly stood up walking in the kitchen I could see colby on his phone then I almost dripped ofter the dog making colby look behind him closing his phone putting it on the counter " hey baby slept good" he ask smiling "yeah who do you texting" I ask nobody I was just looking up a recipe he said I don't know why I felt like he was hiding something he acted weird but I never had a reason to not trust him I looked him in the eyes for a sec "what do you wanne make I ask trusting him and pushing my thoughts away" I wanted to make a potato casserole but I don't k ow if you cook the potatoes first or just put them in "oh I see you can put them in right away but you have to cut it very thin" okay thank you baby he said getting out a cutting board and cut them while was doing that I looked at his phone again it was faced down "hey can I use your phone for a sec to look something up" I ask he turns around quickly taking it "n-no sorry baby it's dead I have to charge it" he said I locked at him what the hell was that he is definitely hiding something "what is going on why are you acting so weird" I said a bit louder looking in to his eyes "what do you mean I dident do anything" he is hiding something or I'm crying that's for sure then go and put on the charger I take care of the rest I don't have anything to do anyways " I said going to the kitchen" if you say so he said walking to our room I finished with the food putting it in the oven walking to look for colby I slowly walked to our room seeing him sitting on the bed texting again and a basket off clothes in front of him ~what if he has someone else he would do that to me right ~ I walked back a bit and then loudly to our room that he definitely heart me I walked in the room seeing him putting clothes in our Schränke his phone on the bed now "the food is in the oven you need help" I ask no thanks baby I got it that's when cinnamon walked in jumping in the bed I smiled he was so cute " hey I walk the dog you want to come with" I ask I can't Sammy my food hurts pretty bad if it's okay " of course it is if anything happens call me I be back I said walking out of the door ~his behavior is so unlike colby it really worries me ~ I got cinnamon and we walked out and along the houses for a little walk he was such a sweet boy after 20 min I desided to go back home I walked in and took his leash off and he walked to his water I saw colby in the kitchen and he had put out plates and cutlery on the table a candle was lit up I smiled walking to the couch "it's smells so good" I say I saw him smiling walking over with the food "carful it's very hot" he said placing it down on the table walking back getting a bowl with Salat "you made Salat" I ask "more like I put the already done together" he chuckled I giggled he sat down besides me and takes my plate and put on some and placing it back down "thank you" I said he nodded and takes some for himself I put some Salat on mine taking a bite "mhmm it taste so good" I said it does he said with foot in his mouth "carful you don't want to choke" I said laughing " oh by the way I put on the new bedding you bought" I looked at him yeah thank you " I think I'm in bed early today anyway I'm really tiered" he said yeah me to we can watch a movie in bed and then sleep what do. You think " I ask sounds great to me he said continuing to eat after we where finished I took the dishes and put them in the sink" I go with cinnamon real quick you could make our bed and choose the film " colby said okay I will I said walking in the bedroom chancing out of my clothes and put on my shorts and shirt walking in the bathroom brushing my teeth I walked back to the bed and looked through netflix laying down on the back off the bed bc colby sleeps in the front soon I heart the door and a sec later cinnamon run in the room and jumped on the bad making me laugh hey good boy I said petting him colby walks in looking at me "I'm just chance real quick yeah" he said I nodded putting cinnamon down to lay on the ground soon colby got back with just sweatpants without shirt he gets in the bed pulling me to him "what did you pick" he ask nothing really you can just put something on I said "he looked at me are you okay" he ask yes I just want to cuddle " I said so he pulled me on top of him my head in his neck his arms tightly around me he just clicked on some show and we watch for a few min he pulled my head back to look at him" you still love me right " I mumbled quietly he looked at me his brows up" of course I do why do you ask that " I just wanted to know" I said of course I love you baby more then anything his said giving me a kiss I smiled laying my head back down continuing to watch after about 30 min I hear little snores I looked Up seeing he fell asleep I took the remote and turned the TV off that's when I saw his phone light up I know I shouldn't but I grapped it and wanted to look at it but it had a password ~since when did his phone has a password ~ thats making me very very worried all the texting and and finding excuses and being weird something is definitely wrong I put his phone back and get off of him laying down on my side turning around that my back is facing colby I have to talk to him tomorrow if he has someone else I wanne know I closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep

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