The Wedding (last chepter)

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Sam's pov

I woke up slowly opening my eyes seeing it's still dark and the light in the bathroom was on I stood up slowly and walked to the door seeing colby standing there just looking in the mirror I walked behind him just hugging him he jumped a bit "why are you up baby" colby ask I don't know I woke up but why are you up " I ask I don't know I'm up since 3 im pretty nervous now" he said I turned him around me to babe but it will be the best day of our life I can feel it nobody can make this day bad I will marry my soulmate I said softly kissing him for a sec he smiled at me "what is the time now anyway" I said getting to my phone it's 6 I called to colby come one lets get dressed and drink a coffee our wedding is at 12 but we have a lot to do there getting dressed greed our guests look if anything is okay and stuff colby said making me smile like a kid I walked to the kitchen made coffee "oh and Sammy one more think" he said I turned around looking at him on the ground besides cinnamon my eyes watered "he got him a tux to omg that is the cutest think ever" I said hurrying to him "look at you buddy you are so handsome" I petted cinnamon "you like it" colby ask I love it so cute I said hugging him hey he has to look good in out pictures I smiled walking back to the coffee and out some of it in his and in mine I walked back giving the cup to colby thank you baby he said suddenly my phone got off I took it and saw a text from his brother

Gage : we will be there in 3h I hope he wants us there

Sam:im sure he will I see you both then

I put my phone down "who was that" he ask oh my parents they ask when we are get them bc you know just 1 car I giggled "makes sense" he said so when do you think we will leave I ask "I would say 9-9:30 I will go shower before and I'm sure you will to and get dressed there I turned looking at him directly in to his beautiful eyes" I love you "I whispered looking so deep in to his eyes he moved his hand forward placing his hand in my cheek I lean on it feeling so save" I love you to "he said his eyes never leaving mine ......

" babyyyyy are ready we have to leave "I'm coming I'm coming he said walking out of the bathroom running his finger trough his hair almost falling over his own feet he looked at me and I could see he was a mess I put both hands on his cheeks" baby please come down deep breath everything is okay it will be perfect okay you are there and I am there that's all that matters yeah "I said I know I'm still so nervous how are you not it's our wedding" he ask baby I am nervous but mostly excited I don't care where is there or the place the food I'm there to marry my soulmate "he smiled giving me a kiss let's go he said walking out of the door cinnamon in his hand we walked to the car he put cinnamon in the back getting in me already in the car he starts it and we are on the way to Sam's parents as we drove up they where already in there dress and suit "wow they look amazing" sam mumbles they walk to the car sams dad opend the door for his mom closing it after she got in "good that is so cute" I whispered to sam "so ready to go to my boys wedding" his mom ask

We got to the place parking the car going out I talked to Sam's parents waiting on sam to get cinnamon "could you take him please I have to talk to. Colby for a sec" sam said making me worried they nod and take the dog "what's wrong Sammy" I ask he sighed softly I walked closer "baby what's wrong are you okay" I said placing my hand on his waist "yes I'm fine but I have to tell you something before we go in" he said okay I said looking at him "please don't be mad okay but I have talked to your brother and he agreed to come" I looked at him shocked my brother is here I can't believe he would come my eyes start to water "please colbs don't cry I'm sorry if I should have ask you" he started but I just hugged him super tight "thank you" I whispered I pulled away "but there is more colby" he said I looked at him he asked me if your dad could come " he said" whattttt I said colbs listen he said your mom and him are divorced and he has nothing to do with her anymore and he wanted to come " he said I - I don't know what to say" hey if anything goes bad they leave okay no problem at all but I so wanted you having your fam here he said "but my mom is not here right" I said with a serious look "no no shes not I would not do that to you colby" he said okay let's go and look at the place yeah I said taking his hand he nooded and we walked in seeing a little house waling in seeing the table and close by the table for the food at the cake

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