Sam you have to fight (very Sad)

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Colbys pov

I can't tell sam that Im here to buy a gun the call I got in the airport yeah that was the police they told me they know who it was but can't locate him so I take no risk at all I don't let anything happens to sam I got to the store and got one I just can't bring it over me to tell sam all of that he will just be so anxious and out of it or freak out completely I know it's not fair that he doesn't know anything and I will tell him but I don't know how and I don't want him to worrie 24/7, I got to a flower shop real quick to buy him some then I walked back to the car sam smiling at me when he sees me I get in the car "here these are for you" I said awww that is so sweet of you colbs thank you he said kissing my lips "I love you, you know that?" he said looking in my eyes.. yes I do know and love you more then words could ever say " so ready to go home I ask" yeah I think so " so we drove of to our place it was just 5 minutes from the mall soon we where at our apartment complex and parked the car we got out and got our suitcases we looked the door and got to the door and to the elevator to the 4th floor we walked the hallway and got to his door sam was about to open it but I heart something inside "sam wait" I whispered very quiet he looked at me "I heart something inside your apartment" he looked at me scared "are you sure" he said almost to quit to understand" let me just call the police before we go in just in case" so we got away from the door for a bit and I called the police officer where we were bc he knows the case and he told me he send them they are there very soon" I dident here anything anymore sam said okay let's go in I said going first sam behind me I opened the door slowly I didn't hear or see anything wrong there was nothing demished "let me go look in my room you look in the bathroom and kitchen" he said I nodded but I felt very very uneasy I looked in the kitchen seeing nothing I go to the bathroom also nothing then I was standing in the doorframe of the bedroom "I dident see anything sam" I looked at him he looked pale and full of terror like he had seen dead I looked in his face his eyes very slightly moved to the right behind the door my heart sunk to the bottom (someone is here what do I do) my gun is in my jacked in the living room I have to get it real quick and an idea as well I quickly got to my gun and put it in my jeans walking back I walked in the room" hey you can come out I know you are here you want me so here I am" I said in a dark voice, walking in standing in front of sam the figure walked out from behind the door and I couldn't believe my eyes brennen's brother walked out looking at me with so much hate in his eyes "you really thought you can get away that he dies and you not" he yelled so angry it sends chills to my body he walked closer to me" my brother maybe dead but not for no reason you and your little boyfriend will pay for it"he growled waking closer and closer to me "please let him go he dident do anything to you or him you want me" I said "I don't care I will kill him in front off you that you will suffer befor I kill you you will watch him die and you can't do anything about it" he laughed like a maniac...

He puts a knife pulled a knife out of his jacked and holds it to my neck making my heart race "no please stop, please take me let him life please" sam said sobbing "shut up or you will see him bleed out" then all goes so quick that my brain can't comprehend sam pushed me to the side to safe me the next  think I hear is a bloodcurdling sream that let my heart stop and my blood froze I tured around seeing sam on the ground holding his chest my heart sunk in on swift motion I took my gun out  and firered 3 time at him to see him with a shocked face sinking to the ground I take his knife and pushed it away running to sam " sam baby everything will be okay I promise" I cried taking off my shirt pressing it on his wund " He hissed and tried to push me away" baby I have to please stay awake and with me please don't leave me I love you  I love you " c-colby I don't want to die I'm so cold " he whispered while coughing that's when I heart police outside "Sammy help is here it's all over please stay awake" then I heard them walking the hallway and in the apartment "we need an ambulance right know" I screamed I see sams eyes closing " no no baby stay with me" I-I can't colby im so tiered " I cried even harder" sam if you really love me fight stay awake for me " I said pressing harder of on his chest" baby I love you, you hear me you will be okay you will be okay  I love you " I was sobbing by now thats when I hear the ambulance coming finally they rushed to sam and took him on the stretcher and rushed him down the stairs and in the ambulance and drove off I was standing there crying my heart out nooooooo I screamed" hey I drive you to the hospital come on " a police officer said he also was talking to me but everything was muffled the only think in my mind was sam I looked at my hands and body everywhere was Sam's blood..

we got to the hospital and I sprinted out of the car in the hospital a nurse came to me" hello sir is everything okay " nooo does it looks like that  my bf sam golbach got here 2 min ago I need to find him" I said still hysterically crying " what's your name" colby - colby brock "okay mr brock he is in emergency operation at the moment but as soon as we know something we will let you know okay please sit down in the waiting room" I got there and set down I just cried and cried I was supposed to protect him I failed and know I I maybe lost the love of my life how can I life like this Im such a failure it's all my folt I set there sobbing my eyes out I love him so much I can't loos him I can't I took my phone out and called Sam's parents when I heart the hallo golbach here I broke down more "colby - colby what's wrong" his mom said "he - he" I couldn't get I word out I was crying so hart that's when the nurse come to me " is this his parents" she ask I nodded she took the phone out of my hand " hello Mrs golbach my name is Peter's I'm calling from the Los Angeles medical center your son got stabbed today  I would recommend for you to come here" I heart here say and couldn't stop crying if I lose him I don't want to life without him I can't I could hear his mother cry making my heart break

I started to feel like I can't breath and feeling dizzy a nurse comes running to me "hey - hey deep breath Mr brock " she called something to another nurse but I can't hear anything they hold something to my mouth I just took it and swollowed it down with water I was rocking back and forth on my chair just crying how could I not even protect the one person I love so much I'm such a failure I the worst person in the world how can I ever forgive me for that it was almost 1h since sam got here and I'm about to lose my mind

Mr brock a deep voice said bringing me out of my thoughts a doctor was standing in front of me I looked up at him I looked in his face he looked sad "mr brock I'm sorry".............

Cliffhanger sorryyyyy

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