Titan operational.

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(A/N: Each time the Radioman titan is seen you never see it fully use its arsenal.

Don't use all the trump cards unless neccessary.)

The POV faded, before a sudden spike of light refilled it.

A dark green outline was around the POV.

"Gman detected in 5-8."

The Radioman titan stared at its arms, before walking out of the restraints, the chains breaking as it vanished into black smoke.

"Titan deployment confirmed, all unit's support."

The titan stepped out of the smoke, staring into the distance of a familiar city ruins over the desert sand.

"SKIBIDI-" it quickly turned, punching a large parasite before jumping away from any nearby buildings.

A pulse revealed two Skibidi laser striders approaching alongside a large flying skibidi...

"Gman possibly in sector, reinforcements needed." It raised its left arm, blocking the incoming lasers as it walked forward.

"roirefnI parcs." Loud static emitted from the titan, forcing the Skibidi's to fire at each other before it turned, getting sent into a ruined skyscraper by the Gman skibidi.

It tossed a hook at Gman, its chest armor retracting to reveal a greenish core.

"Preforming kill." The core glowed brighter, radiation beginning to cause malfunctions with the upgrades Gman had while also melting some of his face.

It suddenly got tossed by a larger variant of the skibidiman, standing as the core began getting covered by armor, which was too late as a large spear was tossed into the core, preventing it from fully closing and dealing immense damage.

"Critical core damage. Retreating." It began to vanish into black smoke before being interrupted by a parasite digging into its neck armor.

A nova unit shot the parasite as the titan fully teleported away the next time moments before the skibidiman reached it.

"Titan lost. Prepare the TS Strider. Replacement required quickly." Radiomen were very pissed off, Gman quickly retreated at the sight of 20 striders appearing from nowhere, killing the large skibidiman in a barrage.

This battle might have been won by Gman slightly, but the cost was great for both sides.

And so, the screen faded to a darker green....

(A/N: Well shit, now they don't have a titan.

This is exactly why you don't go alone.

Yes, while Radiomen CAN teleport, that can be interrupted.

Not to mention the fact it takes a while for reinforcements to arrive when you are so far away from any bases, unless you are one of the EO's or a titan.

Well, Gman almost died.

Remember the last time his face got screwed up by radiation? Cinemaman permanently got rid of the laser eyes.

Also, its gonna take a while for that titan to get repaired and upgraded again.

You know why if you actually read the other chapter's instead of skipping.

And remember, no simping.

Have a good day/night.)

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