Part 51: The Day of Unity pt. 2

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(HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Mwahahaha!!)

During Belos's speech, Silbi searches for her human mother. She scurries all over the Titan's head with Yulong until they find her.

"Mama!!!" chirped Silbi and ran to her sleeping mother but stops. "Mama?"

Besides Dawn was a small, deformed abomination of herself, struggling to get the ring off. The abomination flinched her head up and gasped after hearing Silbi's voice.

". . . Silbi?"

"Goopy Mama!!"

Silbi charges in and tackles the abomination, making Dawn lose her focus and fall apart. Silbi blinks confused as she sits in a puddle of goop while Dawn gasps for air and awakens.


"Real Mama!!

Silbi tackles Dawn into a tight hug and nuzzles into her chest. Yulong crawls up and wraps its body around her head, hugging his owner. Dawn laughs and nuzzles back to her friends while kissing Silbi's head.

She cries tears of joy. "Silbi!! Yulong!! I'm so glad you're both okay!!"

"Silbi missed mama!!" chirped the witchling. "Papa's a meanie beanie!!"

Dawn gasps and quickly sees the danger of this situation. "Silbi, you can't stay here. You need to take Yulong and get--!"

"Nooo!!" whined Silbi.

Dawn sighs and tries to explain, "Sweetie, Belos will hurt you! The ring is tying me down, so I can't move, or protect you like this! That's why I had my abomination out. Anyways, you have to go!"

"Noooo!!" whined Silbi again and pouted. "I free mama!"

Dawn protests while Silbi jumps down and examines the ring. She tilts her head to the side in thought when Yulong flinches his head up. He sensed something coming and, quickly, he grabs and drags Silbi to hide.

Dawn gasps when Belos appears in the room with the Collector cheering. The Draining Spell had started, making Dawn worry in fear. She hopes Darius and the other rebels have a plan to stop this, unless something, or someone, stops them.

Dawn then watches Belos and the Collector converse, only to have Belos, unsurprisingly, betray the Collector. Belos removes his emperor's cloak, wearing his human outfit from the 1600s, and powers up the portal.

With his magic, probably his own illusion magic, he covered up his scar, and, Dawn couldn't help but stare. She knew this was the wrong time, but she couldn't help but blush since he was still handsome.

"No! Focus, Dawn!" She shakes her head and snaps out of it.

Belos then covers the Collector's mirror with his cloak when Kikimora enters the room, claiming to have found the Golden Guard. Yet another unsurprising twist, Belos betrays her, too. Or, perhaps, mocks her. Dawn swallows hard seeing this, but gasps when Belos pops the abomination orb.

Belos smirks, ". . . But I am glad to see you, my fellow human. What? No fight left? Or did you learn your lesson from last time?"

Dawn calls out, "Luz!!"

Luz gasps seeing Dawn before smirking back at Belos. "You wish."

Luz starts her battle against Belos while Silbi sneaks back to her mother. She examines the ring again before using beast-keeping magic. Her fangs grew sharper, and sturdier, and carefully tried to chew the ring off. Yulong sneaks into Dawn's bag while Dawn makes sure to block Silbi from Belos's view.

Silbi manages to break the ring off and cheers. "Yay! Mama free now!"

"Good girl," said Dawn, eyes flashing with fury, before taking Yulong in staff form. "Now hide."

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