Part 35: Lore and More

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A day or two passed, and with Belos's permission, Darius and Eberwolf escort Dawn and Silbi outside the castle. During the time, Silbi was to visit each of the covens starting with Abomination and Beast Keeping. While they were at the Abomination Coven, Darius talks to Dawn about their last conversation.

He pulls out a picture and hands it to Dawn while Eber plays with Silbi. It was a picture of a mature witch with long, wavy pink hair and purple eyes, exactly like Silbi's. She even had the same aqua tinge but at the end of her bangs. She was dressed in all purple, pointy hat and ears, and used a flamingo palisman as her staff. Dawn stares at the picture and couldn't help but see a mischievous glint in Delia's eyes and in her smirk.

"So this is Silbi's mom?" asked Dawn.

"Yes," said Darius. "Delia Sliverling, a wild witch. I only knew her at Hexside for about one semester. I never saw her again until many years later. She wanted to ask me about abominations, but I never suspected a thing at the time. Ugh, she even asked help from that Alador Blight."

Eber snickers while Darius rolls his eyes in annoyance. Dawn didn't know what his problem is with Alador but didn't ask and focused on the task at hand. She asked, "What about Richard, Silbi's father?"

"He's human, Dawn. We don't have much information about him," said Darius. "Delia practically hid him and herself away from our sight. The only human we know is the Owl Lady's apprentice."

Dawn sighs while Silbi turns and listens. "I have two mamas and papas?"

"Your birth parents, Silbi. Do you know anything about them?" asked Dawn.

"Granny did," answered Silbi. "Big teacher, too. I don't."

Darius asks, "When did you meet this 'big teacher', Silbi?"

"Mmm." Silbi thought about it for a minute before answering. "Forever?"

"What do you mean by that?" asked Darius.

"Um . . . Before and after meeting granny?" replied Silbi, unable to explain.

The adults stare at Silbi confused with Darius groaning frustratingly. Dawn changes the subject and asks, "Anyways, what do you know about Delia?"

Darius continues, "Osran told us she died a few years back. Both her and Silbi's father. However, before she passed away Delia was working on an experiment, which piqued the emperor's interest. Supposedly, it was a new form of a grimwalker."

"A what?" asked Dawn totally confused.

"Oh, Titan," shrugged Darius as he explains. "Think of it as a living abomination that has its own free will, and even looks like us. The ingredients for a grimwalker are usually rare, but Delia managed to make one different, mostly with abomination and lightning magic. However, there's one ingredient she used to make her grimwalker stronger: Titan's blood."

"Titan's blood . . ." repeated Dawn, and knew about it thanks to Luz.

"So you know. Good. This makes things easier," said Darius. "It was rumored she found the Titan's blood and was using it for experiments. Belos wants to use her work for something, but he could never find her hideout nor Delia herself. He lost all trace of her. That is until he met you and Silbi."

Dawn glances back at Silbi, who resumes playing with Eber and his ratworms. She now sees why Belos had accepted Silbi so easily. With her, he could find clues to Delia's hideout and would be a step closer to snatching her work. Dawn then said, "If Belos wants Delia's work, then it must be important. But why?"

"We . . . have an idea," admitted Darius sadly. "But I think you'll believe me after we enter Belos's mind. Do you still wish to go? Remember, once we enter his mind, he will know we were in there. Belos will see us as traitors, Dawn. By then, everything will change."

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