Part 45: Deceitful Lovers pt. 1

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(Decided to just split this into two parts. Will post the second part soon. Bleh, I need to sleep . . .)

Dawn gasps and awakens while panting heavily and sweating.

"Ugh. Stupid nightmares . . ." moaned Dawn with exhaustion.

She rubs her face and removes the sleep from her eyes. Nighttime again for Dawn, who crosses out another day in her calendar.

Dawn comments, "Two days before the Day of Unity . . . I hope everyone's okay."

She let out a sigh and lightly taps her fingers on her stomach while thinking. Her stomach growls loudly, demanding food.

"I know, I know," said Dawn to herself.

Dawn waits for her food to arrive, but instead of a scout, it was Raine Whispers. They enter with an authoritative air and glare down at their empress.

"Raine!" exclaimed Dawn joyfully and gets up wanting to hug Raine.

However, they stop Dawn from approaching any further. They announce firmly, "Emperor Belos has summoned you to join him for dinner, human. Please prepare yourself accordingly and I shall escort you to him."

"Raine? What are you talking about?" asked Dawn surprised.

Raine adds, "Please hurry, human. The emperor is waiting."

Dawn asks, "But Raine, what about--?"

"About what, rosebud?" called Terra's voice.

Terra Snapdragon joins Raine Whispers while still wearing that thin smirk on her face. Dawn frowns at her and takes a step back cautiously.

Terra states, "Oh, come now, child. The emperor especially summoned you. Best not to keep him waiting, deary."

"And if I decline?" asked Dawn bitterly, arms crossed.

Terra smirks more and counters, "What choice do you have?"

Dawn frowns more and averts her eyes from them. She glances back at them before spotting coven scouts behind the leaders. Biting back her wrathful tongue, Dawn grudgingly accepts.

" . . . Fine, but I'm only doing this because I'm hungry," replied Dawn.

"Wonderful! Please follow us, rosebud," said Terra cheerfully and exits with Raine.

Dawn sighs heavily before following the coven heads.


They walked down the castle hall and arrive at the throne room first. The scouts opened the doors for Dawn and the coven heads before they enter. Belos sits on his throne and finishes his meeting with the other coven heads.

Dawn watches them leave and glances at Hettie, who gave a small shake of her head. Relieved, Dawn was reassured before looking up at Belos.

He smirks confidently and opens his arms, welcoming his empress. "So glad you could make it, Dawn. I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up."

"I would if I could," grumbled Dawn.

Belos dismissed the coven heads with Dawn taking one last look at them. Darius nor Eber turn to look back and Dawn knew they wouldn't since they were still hiding as rebels. Raine, too, of course, especially with Terra always near them.

When they left, Belos walks closer to Dawn and reaches out to stroke her cheek. He smiles cruelly, "Finally. A moment to ourselves."

Dawn barely gives him a second and moves her face away from him. Belos stares at her displeased and loses his smile before taking his hand back.

An Owl House Fanfiction (Emperor Belos x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now