Part 41: Broken

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Dawn blinks confused before groaning from an aching headache. She sits herself up while holding her head and rubs her forehead.

"Stupid Graye . . ." commented Dawn.

She then stares down at her hand, where the dead brother gave her that tiny bottle. Dawn asks, "What was that? What did he want to give me?"

Then Dawn shrugs her shoulders and scoffs. "It was just a dream. It's not like it's gonna help me now."

Dawn examines her room: windows barred with thorny vines, bricks reconstructed craftily, and walls made and painted with abomination magic. Even her door had thorns and abomination goop on it, and a massive lock from most likely Head Witch Mason. No doubt Dawn's a prisoner now.

She lowers her head and brings her legs close, hugging them and resting her head on her knees. "At least, Silbi and Yulong are safe . . . Oh! Oh, Hunter."

Dawn had forgotten about Hunter but knew the shock had traumatized him. "Poor baby. I hope he's escaped. Wait, how long was I asleep?"

Dawn reaches for her phone and checks her calendar app. She tracks her sleeping record and realizes it's only been a day.

"Oh, boy. But better awake than face those nightmares again. Ugh, I am not looking forward to spending a month with them," said Dawn as she wipes her face down.

Dawn gets up from her bed and explores her room more. She looks out her barred window and noticed it was nighttime. She sighs, "A full 24-hour sleep, huh? I hope Luz is alright."

Dawn stares out her window a little longer before her door opens. She turns around and grabs her hairbrush close by. "Stay back! I may be a human! But I've got Celtic blood in me and believe me, you don't want to mess with an Irishman!"

Letting out a war cry and charging in, Dawn raises her hairbrush like a weapon and strikes. However, she gets frozen mid-attack by one of the scouts as they carry her away.


The scouts carry Dawn to the throne room and gently place her down in the center. They salute their emperor before leaving the room and unfreezing Dawn. She let out a cry and falls flat on her face. "Ow."

Emperor Belos sits on his throne and speaks first. "Awake already, my dear? I was expecting you to sleep a little longer. However, I suppose we do have some 'unfinished business.'"

Dawn lifts her head and glares at Belos while also hearing a small giggle. Hiding behind his throne was Lila, the cursed doll, as she peeks her little blond head and smirks.

"YOU!" Dawn growls as she tosses her hairbrush at Lila, who dodges and hides more.

Dawn stands up on her feet and clenches her fists, glaring at Belos. "I can't believe you'd give a child a cursed doll! Did you want to let that thing kill us in our sleep?!"

"Let's not get testy here, empress," replied Belos before adding, "The Day of Unity is only days away, but before that, I want information regarding our little Silbi."

He leans in and with a low, intimidating voice asks, "Where did you hide Silbi's memory album?"

Dawn scoffs and rolls her eyes before crossing her arms and turning her back on Belos. The emperor narrows his eyes while Lila speaks next. "How dare you, human! Our liege is being very merciful to you! He could easily petrify you!"

Dawn shoots daggers at Lila and starts removing her slipper. "Listen, ya itty bitty bag of bollocks! Say one more word outta ya wee mouth and I'll turn ya into porcelain dust!"

"Such rude manners!" exclaimed Lila as she turns and bows to the emperor. "My liege! You shouldn't let this human act this way! She's so barbaric!"

"Deal with it!" growled Dawn.


No sooner did Emperor Belos give his order and Lila immediately goes silent. Dawn, on the other hand, holds her tongue but still glares at the enemy. Belos uses his staff as the top glows while Dawn's ring reacts. She gasps as the ring forces her towards the emperor. Belos leans in from his throne as he brings Dawn close so their faces almost meet.

He demands with glowing blue eyes. "I'll ask again: Where did you hide Silbi's album? The one her 'grandmother' gave you before being petrified."

Dawn remains silent as she scowls at Belos before looking away from him. Her heart still ached from the recent events and couldn't bear to face him this close. Belos notices her expression and lets out a dismissive sigh.

Lila, however, intervenes. "Emperor, this human is being so selfish! You have to punish her!"

Belos glares back at the little doll and turns to her with a dark look. "Oh? And how should I punish my empress? Should I stab her with a hairpin, or cut her with a razor?"

Lila squeaks and took a step back frightened. Belos fully faces Lila and releases Dawn from his magical grip. He coldly stares down at the doll and continues cruelly. "Head Witch Graye reported to me that you have tried numerous times to bring harm to my empress. Have you forgotten our deal or were you too greedy for life so badly?"

"N-N-No! N-Never! Please! Forgive me, Emperor Belos!" stammered Lila and backs away more.

Belos's eyes had that intimidating glow again as he uses his magic. He binds around Lila's body while one big red hand grasps her head, ruining her perfect fair hair. Dawn flinches while Belos shows no remorse.

"The Titan will never grant you life, dear Lila," said Belos while the red hand gripped tightly. "He knows how you greedily tried to take Dawn's life. He knows how desperately you wish to be living. Now you have failed."

"No, please! I beg the Titan! Forgive me! I was tempted! I was tempted!!" pleaded Lila with tears.

"You're no different than the other failures before you," said Belos while Lila felt the fingers digging into her head. "Farewell."

Lila cries, "No! No, please! Stop! It hurts! No, no, no, no, no, no! Aaaaaaaaahhh!!!"

The red hand squeezed and squeezed until finally breaks the doll's head.

Dawn watches in silence as her eyes follow the broken pieces on to the floor. A glass eye rolls at her and stares right back, still wet from the tears. Dawn shivers, her face pale, and freezes in place.

Belos saw nothing more but an empty shell before glancing back at his empress. He finally sees the fear in her eyes and, unfortunately, knew he wouldn't get anything tonight. He let out an exhausted sigh before calling.

"Scouts! Escort the empress back to her room."

Scouts came in and immediately follows their orders. They picked up Dawn, who was both speechless and disgusted, as she covers her mouth. Belos watches them leave and once the doors were closed he clenches the staff tightly.

He grits his teeth while drops of dark green blood spill. Behind those doors, a terrifying roar shakes the throne room and chaos can be heard inside.


Dawn was taken back to her room as the scouts locked her door. She felt a sudden urge to vomit and rushes to her bathroom.

Even if she wasn't imprisoned, the horrifying display made Dawn stay in her room hiding under her covers. She still worries for Silbi and Luz and everyone else but, at least, they were safe. Now Dawn fears for whatever torment Belos will do to her.

"It's just for a few days, Dawn," she tells herself, "You can endure it. You . . ."

Dawn stops her words and looks around her room, wondering if these walls have ears. Literally.

She hides her head under her pillow and shuts her eyes. The only safe place was her mind. "Did Hettie tell Belos? It would make sense if she did now. But he hasn't acted any different, so no? I know Graye doesn't know because I haven't shown it to him in my memories. Darius would go nuts if he knew."

Dawn sighs heavily and glances downward. "Eda's probably extremely worried right now."

An Owl House Fanfiction (Emperor Belos x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now