Part 47: Bountiful Heart pt. 1

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(Correct me if I'm wrong. Stóirín, pronounced STORE-EEN, means "litte darling" and similar names, and there's more than one Irish word for that same meaning, I think.)

Belos groans softly before opening his eyes.

His eyes adjust to the vast blue sky over him and the blinding sun. He gasps and examines his surroundings: green grass and green trees, a rushing water fountain, flowerbeds, benches scattered, and concrete sidewalks.

He finds himself in a public park and listens to the sound of rushing water coming from the fountain. He then spots a large gazebo, which is connected to smaller gazebos close by. They're all connected by trees with long branches, hanging over their entrances like tunnels.

Belos stares with fascination as he goes to the first small gazebo, and comments. "So, this is what Dawn's mind looks like. I'd forgotten how blue the sky is."

Last night . . .

Morning came and Dawn was back in her cursed sleep. After their argument, she clung to Belos like a lonely child while he carried her to his bed. Now she slumbers peacefully as if nothing happened, which was the perfect opportunity for him.

"Now let's see what you have been hiding from me, my dear empress," said Belos, who uses his magic to summon a small mechanism.

He sets up the timer and made sure the trigger for the return spell was ready. He then casts the mind spell on himself and travels into Dawn's mind.

Belos enters the first gazebo and, like other minds, finds a picture frame inside. It was a picture of a young Dawn, around age five, playing with her parents in their garden. Her mother with a serene smile had long, black hair, light tan skin, and dark brown eyes. The father with a bright smile had red hair, whiter skin, and spring-green eyes.

Curious, Belos goes to touch the frame and enters for a quick peek.

He enters the memory garden while a young Dawn runs around in her light-up shoes, neon blue shorts, and a pink T-shirt with a small blue vest.

"Look, Mommy! I picked up this flower real careful-like and the ladybug didn't fly away!" exclaimed Kid Dawn excitedly.

Her Mom smiled and replies, "You've got great patience, Dawn. Look over here! There's a mantis!"

"Where?!" Dawn puts the flower down delicately in the flowerbeds before rushing to her mother. The mantis walks slowly up on one of the tall plants while mother and daughter watched in great awe.

The Dad scoffed and snickered, "Careful, stóirín. That mantis could cut off your wee neck."

"I'm not that small!" pouted Dawn with puffed cheeks.

Belos couldn't help but chuckle since it reminded him of Silbi.

The Mom then had a mischievous smile. She picks up the mantis carefully and shushes Dawn quietly. Dawn covers her giggling mouth while her Mom crept closer to Dad. The unsuspecting Dad had his back down as he picks out fresh cilantro. Mom creeps closer when Dad whips around and points his flower-pattern shovel at her.

"Hey, hey! Back off, love! I've got a small shovel and I'm not afraid to use it!" threaten Dad half-jokingly. He adds, "And a full watering can."

"Oh? Well, I got . . . a sneaky minion!" declared Mom while Dawn stealthily snatches the water can.

"Hey! Get back here, ya gremlin!" exclaimed Dad.

Dawn laughs loudly until she trips and splashes the water inside the can all over her. Belos tries to catch her but since it was a memory Dawn still fell flat on her face. The watering can had flown and hit her head. The parents dropped everything and rushes to their daughter. Little Dawn lifts her head up with her face muddy and spits out dirt.

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