Part 14: Feels Like a Dream

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Dawn sits in that empty world as she waits patiently to be awakened. She feels like she's spent most of her time here than in the waking world.

"I still can't believe I did that," said Dawn as she hugs her knees. "But I couldn't hold it in anymore. I need to know more."

Dawn was numb right now, but back then she was freaking out for a week straight. She was also worried about Silbi and her grandmother. What would happen to that wild witch? There was no way Dawn would know now, but she vows to find out and spend every waking moment to know the truth.

"I need to protect Silbi," said Dawn. "And I need to check that album again."

The wild witch looked so desperate in not wanting the emperor to see the book. But why, if it's just a family photo album? Dawn needed to double-check while at the same time she didn't want to face Emperor Belos. She wouldn't know how to talk to him after that.

Dawn's heart would beat rapidly every time she remembers that day. She wonders what the emperor would think and hopes he didn't hate it. It would break Dawn's heart if he actually despised her kiss.

Dawn hugs her knees closer and felt her heart aching. If she's with a villain, then she knows it will be hard. She also knows that with every cunning villain there is a sad story. While everyone fears or hates that fiend she will hear his story first before judging him fairly. Even if he doesn't return her feelings.

Dawn closes her eyes while a bright, soothing light surrounds her.


She then opens her eyes and finds herself in a new room while wearing her pink nightgown. Dawn slowly sits up and looks around confused. She wasn't in her bedroom like the times before when a small voice breaks her thoughts.


Dawn turns around and sees Silbi standing at the entrance. Silbi holds flowers in her tiny hands while tears formed in her big eyes. The witchling sniffled and whimpered before dropping the flowers on to the floor.

"Mama!!!" Silbi sobs loudly as she stands there crying.

"Oh, Silbi." Dawn sits up more and brings herself up to the edge of her bed. Silbi continues to sob while running towards Dawn and tackles her into a hug. Dawn picks up Silbi and hugs her tightly and kissed her head. "It's okay, Sibli. I'm up. Did you miss me?"

Silbi buries her face in Dawn's chest and clings to her while Dawn comforts the witchling. A guard comes rushing in after hearing Silbi cries but immediately stops his tracks. "The human! Er, I mean, Lady Dawn! You're awake! I must report to the emperor!"

"Lady?" repeated Dawn confused. "Wait, hold on! Annnnd he's gone. Okay then."

Dawn glances down at Silbi, who snuggles close to her and refuses to let go. She continues to comfort Silbi while trying to stand up. She then heard rapid footsteps coming towards them and a mysterious figure appearing in the room through magic. The figure reforms himself and shapes into Emperor Belos while the guards came after him.

Dawn gasps slightly and had to sit back on her bed after losing a little of her balance. Emperor Belos looms over Dawn as he approaches closer to her and the witchling. His shadow shrouds Dawn's form while she stares up at him and swallows hard.

Silbi then chirps happily, "Dada! Mama up! Mama up!"

Emperor Belos turns to Silbli and let out his light-hearted chuckle. He reaches to stroke Silbi's head and responded, "Yes, little one. Your mother is finally awake."

Dawn lowers her gaze and blushes lightly while the emperor turns to her. He added, "Good morning, my dear. How are you feeling? You've been asleep for two months now."

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