Part 49: Day Before Unity

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(10/20/23-minor story edits done.)

Landing roughly, Belos returns to his room as he stumbles and falls. He grunts and pants heavily before looking up at Dawn. He clutches his chest and growls angrily when he notices the tears falling from Dawn's face.

Dawn whimpers in her sleep and cries softly, stopping Belos in his tracks. He remains still and slowly calms down before sitting back on the floor. Belos leans against the wall and groans exhaustingly.

"This isn't what I wanted . . ."

He was exhausted, mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Finally, he gets up and pulls himself together, forcing himself to stand. Belos exits his room before taking one last glance at his empress. That sickening feeling creeps more into his chest, nagging him. Belos scoffs and shakes his head before finally, he left to go prepare everything.

"Prepare to move the empress and gather her things from her room."

"Yes, my liege!" responded the female captain.

One day before the Day of Unity.


Meanwhile, Silbi had her own little adventures during this short time. One of them was convincing Adam, her new friend/possible older brother, to meet with Luz and the rebellion.

Darius, Raine, and Eber stare curiously at Adam, who stares back at them uncomfortably. Luz was poking at his horns with fascination while King joins her. This makes Adam grow annoyed as his brow twitches. He crosses his arms stubbornly while Silbi sits on his lap comfortably. Yulong rests his long body on Adam's shoulders and is hidden under his leafy hair.

"Would you please knock it off, human?" growled Adam, who grits his teeth.

"Huh? Oh, sorry!" apologized Luz, "It's just I've never met an abomination that could walk and talk on its own. Or look like us. Or think. Or gain sentience."

Adam growls at Luz when Silbi pulls on his long, leafy hair. "Be good boy! No grouchy!"

Raine comments, "So this is Delia's work? Huh, not exactly what we were expecting. Nevertheless, we're glad to have you on board, Adam. Welcome to the C.A.T.T.s!"

Adam replies, "I wasn't exactly 'on board' with this."

"Goo!" chirped Silbi and pulls on his hair again.

Darius joins in, "This is great and all, but we are not putting these children in danger. Or at the very least, anywhere close to the Day of Unity, especially near Belos."

"We're not doing that, Darius," agreed Raine. "Who knows what Belos could do to them if he finds them? No, they're staying right here in the hideout."

"No!!" whined Silbi. "Me wanna go find mama!"

"Silbi," started Eda sitting beside them, "we know you wanna save your mom, but how will Dawn think if she finds out you put yourself in danger?"

"I can do it!" declared Silbi and flex her little arms. "Me know how! Me know how!"

Darius rolls his eyes and counters, "Silbi, Dawn won't be in the castle anymore. Belos has ordered everything and everyone to the Titan's Head, including your mother."

"Me wanna go!!!" shouted Silbi and put on a tantrum.

"Come on, Silbi! Be a good girl!" said Luz, who tries to soothe the wailing witchling.

Darius groans, "Ugh, leave her. She'll calm down in a few hours."

Lilith suggests, "Perhaps we should leave Silbi and Adam back with our parents. They're going to be far away from the Day of Unity."

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