Part 25: Philip Wittebane pt. 2

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("Prima" is Spanish for a cousin who's a girl, for those non-Spanish speakers out there. My family's from Guatemala, however, I don't know Spanish too well. I know this word because my cousin calls my brother "primo" often so I have that stuck in my brain.)

Dawn opens her eyes and finds themselves in a different area, which happened to be the Titan's head. They've reached The Collector's door with Philip explaining when Dawn feels her curse approaching. Her eyelids grew heavy and so did her limbs. "No! Not now . . . !"

Dawn falls back and quickly Philip catches her. Because of his ankle, he winces and falls to the floor with Dawn in his arms. Luz and Lilith rush to them extremely worriedly.

"Da--I mean, Aurora!" exclaimed Luz and went to their side.

"Oh, my! Is she alright?" asked Philip worried.

Lilith answers, "She's fine. It's her condition."

For a moment it looked like Dawn was asleep but soon after she forces herself to awake. Dawn gasps and sits herself up. "I'm awake! I can go now! To The Collector! Yah!!"

The group stares at Dawn concernedly, especially Luz and Lilith. Lilith asks, "Um, Aurora. Are you sure you're feeling alright? Maybe it would be safer if you sit this one out. We don't want you getting hurt with your condition."

"Yeah, prima. You need to rest," agreed Luz.

"What? N-no, no! I can go!" said Dawn pleadingly while the feeling of uselessness slowly returns.

"It's okay," reassured Luz gently. "We just need to open those doors and things should be easy from there. Piece of cake, right? You stay here with Philip while we solve this puzzle. 'Kay? Now rest, prima."

Dawn sighs heavily and reluctantly nods her head. Luz went after Lilith while Philip clears his throat. "Um, I don't mean to intrude, but you are causing my leg to fall asleep."

Dawn squeaks and hurriedly removes herself from Philip and blushes embarrassed. "I am so sorry, Philip! Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, fair princess. It's just a sprain," said Philip and groaned softly from his leg. "I may be frail, but it would be rude if a gentleman like myself didn't aid a lady in need. Are you alright?"

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. Just, uh, didn't get that much sleep, that's all," replied Dawn.

"Oh? Then you may borrow my shoulder should it please you," said Philip and offers his shoulder for Dawn. He blushes softly under his beard and averts his eyes slightly. "That is, ahem, if you don't find it too formal, milady."

Dawn thought about it for a second before giving a tired smile and a nod. "Just for a few minutes, okay? Thank you, Philip."

Philip smiles at her while Dawn sits comfortably beside him. The shape of his shoulder was so familiar to Dawn that she falls asleep instantly. Philip pulls out his journal and returns to his writing.


Extract from Philip Wittebane's Journal (and His Thoughts)

"During our journey to seek The Collector, I find myself drawn to one of my companions. A beautiful maiden with peridot eyes and dark, long locks of hair. She adorns the flower of that witch's clan, the Sliverlings. She bears little resemblance to them and has never mentioned the 'Titan' as much as they do."

Hmph. They're a crafty bunch. So untrustworthy.

"Her companions are comfortable around me, but, for some reason, she has been distant. Have I offended her? I try to befriend this enchantress, but I haven't gained much from her."

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