Part 34: Precautions

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(Bleh, got a little lazy near the end, but oh well. Also, I don't know if y'all read the posts, if they've appeared to any of you, but this fanfic was almost eligible for the Wattys 2022! Shocking, right? I was not expecting it.)

"So," said Eda as she comes in with her apple blood, "what are you guys up to?"

Luz replies, "Dawn wanted to show us this photo album from Silbi's grandmother. Eda, Silbi is half human! Her dad was a human!"

Dawn was visiting the Owl House and had brought Silbi's album to show them.

"So her mom's a witch?" asked Eda before turning to Dawn. "You got all that from this little album?"

"Well, not everything. There's only so much the album has, but I met someone who actually knew more," explained Dawn.

She didn't mention that Darius was the one who gave her more information on Silbi. Dawn knew she had to keep the rebellion a secret, but could, at least, tell Luz and the others about Silbi and bits of her past. Besides, she also had a plan of her own regarding Silbi and something else.

Dawn shows them the photo album and pulls out the first picture. Two adults, a man and a woman, were cradling an infant Silbi and were smiling down at her. Luz squeals seeing baby Silbi while Eda examines the parents, which didn't show the top part of their faces.

King takes a peek at the picture and asks, "Hey Eda, you know this witch? She has long pink hair like Silbi."

"No. Wait . . ." Eda studies the picture and squints her eyes as if remembering something. Then she shrugs it off. "Yeah, no. I don't think I've ever met her."

Dawn then reads the grandmother's handwriting on the back: "'She told me to raise Silbeeni Agatha Yang. Poor thing. All alone in this world.' That's it."

"So this is the only picture with Silbi's parents?" asked Luz while Dawn nodded.

Eda asks, "What did you find out about them?"

"Silbi's mom is named Delia Sliverling and the father, Richard Yang," said Dawn. "I don't know how they met, but I heard Richard died here in the Boiling Isles. Delia, too, but not sure how. All I know is that they kept themselves hidden from Belos and his guards."

Eda and Luz listened while Hooty distracts Silbi, along with Yulong. He and Hooty wiggled their long bodies and made Silbi laugh.

Luz comments, "So Philip wasn't the only human here before me."

King then asks, "But if Silbi's half-human, then how come she's powerful enough to cast portals? Shouldn't her magic be, I don't know, weaker?"

"I'm not sure," replied Dawn while Eda caught a glance at the pictures. "There's Bat Queen . . . First light spell . . . Befriending a baby slitherbeast . . . Some weirdos. One of them is a crystal guy with snakes for hands."

"Ooh! Let me see!" said Luz while Dawn giggled. "There's even a creepy frog man with a hook for a hand! Awesome!"

"Friends!" chirped Silbi.

While Luz and King go through the album Eda pulls Dawn aside. She asks, "Dawn, please tell me you've seen Raine. Are they okay?"

"They're fine, Eda," reassured Dawn.

"Have they mentioned the B.A.T.T.'s? Us?" asked Eda worriedly.

Dawn remains silent since Raine told her not to tell Eda.

"Dawn," said Eda firmly. "Please tell me."

Dawn bit her bottom lip and tries again to reassure the Owl Lady. "Raine is fine, Eda. Trust me."

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