Prologue: Sleeping Beauty

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Luz was searching for the healing hat for Eda when she finds a room with a slightly open door. She peeks inside and saw a sleeping girl dressed in a light pink dress with flowers surrounding her. Surprised Luz gasps but was confused as she steps closer. The sleeping girl had long, black hair and looks older than Luz. Luz was then shocked when she noticed that the girl had round ears like her.

"Oh, my gosh! Another human?! What is she doing here?" exclaimed Luz.

Luz wonders when she heard footsteps coming from the other set of doors across from her. She quickly rushes back to the doors she came from and watches from there. Emperor Belos comes out from there and walks towards the sleeping girl. He sits beside her and strokes her face tenderly. He spoke in a very gentle, soft voice. "My precious dear . . ."

Luz couldn't believe it and quietly backs away and leaves the area. Knowingly, Emperor Belos glances back behind him and narrows his eyes coldly.

Another human?! Luz thought. Why?! How?! And that gaze the emperor had towards her. Despite not seeing his face, Luz could tell the emperor cares for that human. But who was she? And how did she get here? Luz didn't know the answers to these questions but, for now, she focused on finding the healing hat for Eda.


Time passes after the Petrification Ceremony, and Luz and the others were getting by with meager hunting jobs. One day, while everyone was in the living room, Luz recalls the sleeping girl and asks Lilith about her.

"A sleeping girl?" repeated Lilith as she raises a brow. "Oh, you must mean Dawn."

"Who the heck is Dawn?" asked Eda while King added, "And why does Belos have a human? I thought our Luz was the only human here."

Luz asks, "Do you know anything about her, Lilith?"

Lilith sighs and puts her cup of tea down. "There isn't much to say. Like Edalyn, she has a type of curse on her. Well, more like a powerful sleeping spell. She's been asleep for quite a long time, but she does wake up every now and then. She just came out of nowhere inside Emperor Belos's castle."

"B-But how did she get here?! And why at the castle?!" Luz asks persistently.

Eda pushes Luz back since she was up in Lilith's face. "Easy, kiddo. Don't get in anyone's bubble like that."

"But Eda!!" exclaimed Luz. "That girl was human! Her ears are round like mines! I have to know!"

Lilith added, "Like I said before, Dawn's sleeping spell is powerful. You won't be able to talk to her, especially if she's in the castle."

"Okay, okay, but do you know how she came here?" asked Luz. "And how she was put under the sleeping spell?"

Lilith answers, "Well, I wasn't there when it happened, but the reports say she just teleported inside the castle from out of nowhere, along with a child. Since she was a human Emperor Belos kept her."

"A child?" repeated Eda.

Lilith continues, "Emperor Belos believes that child is a witch since she was able to perform magic. A little girl. Perhaps 5, 6 years old? He also thinks she's the one who cast the sleeping spell on Dawn."

"Wow. Strong kid," commented Eda.

Luz then asked, "So this kid is the one who brought Dawn here and made her fall asleep? Why?"

Lilith answers, "We don't know. The child is able to teleport away from us. Even from Belos. Whenever Dawn wakes up we would ask her questions. She doesn't know the child either or how they got here."

"So Dawn is just as clueless as me then, huh?" said Luz and lowers her head. Eda notices her expression before nudging her arm. "Hey, hey. That doesn't mean everything is hopeless, Luz. Once we get our powers back, we can go find that kid before Belos does. Maybe we can ask her how to get you home."

Luz smiles at Eda and nodded. "Yeah. That sounds like a plan."

Luz turns to Lilith and asks, "Can you tell us more about Dawn, Lilith? Or whatever that report said about her."

"Of course," replied Lilith and tells them of how Dawn came to the emperor's castle.

To be continued.

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