Part 48: Bountiful Heart pt. 2

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(This whole time, I thought I had put Dawn's age somewhere in this story. Now, I'm a little mixed up here with certain timing events. Bleh, I'll figure it out later. She's 22, people! Enjoy!)

Belos appears in a clothes store and hears Dawn chatting with her friends.

"Sorry your trip was canceled, Dawn," said Jazzy.

"Yeah! Your uncle really needs to be more careful next time!" said a girl with short blond hair. "The road can be dangerous for motorcyclists."

Embarrassed, Dawn smiles, "It wasn't exactly the road that got him . . ."

"It wasn't?"

"Ay, don't you remember?" said a girl with a Spanish accent with thick, wavy hair. "Mr. McCarthy was at the cafe, trying to get his usual, when this rude woman run into him!"

"Oh, yeah! Didn't she push him and made him spill his coffee?"

"Yeah!" exclaimed a tall, black girl with very short hair. "And they started arguing, and then that woman's husband came in."

"Dude was a trucker," joined a short girl with dyed coral hair and Asian eyes. "They fought and Mr. McCarthy ends up with a broken leg."

"I know," said Dawn yet smiles, "but it's okay, and he's getting better every day. He's lucky his injuries weren't serious."

"And that other man got arrested by the cops."

"Such a jerk!"

Belos raises a brow and continues to watch when one of the friends turned to the window. Through her navy blue glasses, her face wore confusion, then shock, then disbelief, and asks without looking. "Um, Dawn? Did Travis mention any relatives visiting him? Like, say a cousin, aunt, or niece?"


"Does he have a sister?"

"No . . ? He said he was going to an amusement park with some family in Florida during summer break. He's visiting them, not the other way."


"Why do you ask, Tia?"

"Well, no particular reason, but um--Oh, crud." Tia's jaw dropped.

The other girls turn to look, making Belos stiffen since they were looking directly at him. He blinks confused before turning around to the store's window. He gasps. Outside, Travis kissed another girl affectionately while holding hands and walking together. Dawn and the girls stare wide-eyed with Dawn dropping a clothes hanger.

"Did he just . . . ?! Nah-uh!"

"Oh. My. God . . ."

"Did he planned this?! Oh, heck naw!"

"Dawn . . . ?" said one of the friends concerned.

Belos was stunned and looks back at his Dawn. Tears formed in her eyes before rushing out the doors. Belos and Dawn's friends watch from inside the store as they witness Dawn shouting angrily at Travis, who looked incredibly nervous.

Belos freezes in place and his eyes widen at the scene.

The other girl, who was confused, had short, caramel hair, perfectly round amber eyes, and a petite body with perfect curves. She let go of Travis's arm and glares at him, demanding an explanation.

Finally, Belos storms outside to hear the conversation.

"I-I-I thought you were on your family trip, Dawn," said Travis and tries to lie. "She's just a friend . . ."

"A 'friend'?" repeated the other girl with her hands on her hips. "We've been dating for weeks now and I'm just a 'friend'?"

"Weeks?!" repeated Dawn, looking hurt and furious. "Travis! You lied! How could you?! We've been dating for two years!"

An Owl House Fanfiction (Emperor Belos x Oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang